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1.閱讀 Dan Brown 的 “Inferno"(中譯本'地獄’ 預計10月1日出版)第一句 “ The memories materialized slowly.... like bubbles surfacing from the darkness of a bottomless well." (記憶逐漸浮現,...像從無底深井黑暗中浮出的泡沫。“ 接著是恐怖的一段描述:
    ” A veiled woman.
       Robert Langdon gazed at her across a river whose churning waters ran red with blood. On the far bank , the
woman stood facing him, motionless, solemn,her face hidden
by a shroud. In her hand she gripped a blue tainia cloth, which she now raised in honor of the sea of corpses at her feet. The smell of death hung everywhere." 一位矇著面紗的女子。雖然遙望,卻是洶湧的血河。她站在遠處河堤上,臉被裹屍布隱藏著,動也不動,嚴肅地正面直視Langdon教授,正把手中緊握的藍色布料高舉,似乎在榮耀地歡慶她腳下的屍骸之海。死亡的味道懸浮各處。wow, 單這一段

      (The darkest  places in hell are reserved for those who
        maintain their neutrality in times of moral crisis.)
       Dan Brown  “Inferno" 空白頁插入的話


      有兩個字 Flaunt 及 Flout 發音及拼法都有點困難,也很容易搞錯,而
Flaunt 指的是 display boastfully 或 show off something 誇張地表達或者
炫耀某事, 例如 They flaunt their wealth by driving expensive cars to school. 他們開昂貴車子到校炫耀其財富。至於 Flout 則指對規則的忽略或不屑,例如 The haughty teens flout the most basic school rules. 那些桀驁不馴的青少年幾乎不守校規。想到棒球賽中界外球叫 foul,也許可以聯想 flout 是正當行為之外吧!當年聽說連美國布希總統都搞錯這兩個字。


 Put down 是字面的意思嗎?查查” A Dictionary of American Idioms, Adam Makkai, Ph.D., Fifth Edition, Barron’s Educational Series, 2013) ,
1. 重音在down 時,表示 to stop by force, crush 以武力阻止,摧毀之意,例如,In 24 hours the general had entirely put down the rebellion. (24 小時內,將軍已徹底以武力遏止叛軍。)
2 .to put a stop to ; check 終止,遏阻 如 She had patiently put down unkind talk by living a good life. 她以過好日子為由遏阻惡言的影響。
3 .to write a record of; write down 寫下 He put down the story while it was fresh in his mind. 他趁記憶猶新之際寫下該故事。
4 做某件事 The banker put himself down for $1,000. 銀行家簽了$1,000 的金額。
5. To decide the kind or class of; characterize 歸類 He put the man down as a bum. 他視該人為壞蛋。
6. To name as a cause; attribute 歸因 He put the odd weather down to nuclear explosion. 他將怪異天氣的成因歸之於核爆所致。
7.To dig, drill; sink 挖掘 He put down a new well. 他挖掘了一口井。
如果是 putdown (重音在put上)則指 A insult(侮辱) 例如 It was a nasty putdown when John called his sister a fat cow. 約翰罵他妹妹肥婆之事對她實在是極大的侮辱。


Mark Twain 說過 “ The difference between the almost right word and the right word is really a large matter--- 'tis the difference between the lightning-bug and the lightning." Dave Dowling 在他所編的字典" The Wrong Word Dictionary--- 2,500 Most Commonly Confused Words--, 2nd Edition, Marion Street Press, 2010) 的前言(Preface)引用馬克吐溫的話,的確有意思,lightning-bug 是螢火蟲, lightning 是閃電,很難翻譯這種句子。
廣告詞也寫得很棒," The Wrong Word Dictionary, Second Edition is a accurate and accessible handbook that assures, insures, and ensures that anyone who wants to communicate accurately and effectively chooses the right word every time."
Assure: means to make confident or promise something
Insure: means to buy insurance
Ensure: means to make certain something will happen


寫到 “我們是在回憶2008年的天空“,被 Susan 一問,彷彿我早已把文學視為一種習慣。翻開王鼎鈞的“桃花流水杳然去”,在文學的滄桑一文中,他寫“ 文學之於我也是一種宗教,對我來說,文學本身就是出路,如果文學是井,我坐在裡面觀天,文學如果是繭,我坐在裡面化蛾,文學如果是夕陽,我就是晚霞,文學如果行到水窮處,我就坐看雲起時。”


前一陣子添購些書,自然也要加個新書櫃,汪其生在園地中寫讀書是種享受,王鼎鈞則說,“ 名言都是微言,有蘊藏可以發掘,有幽深可以燭照,有同聲可以共鳴,有異議可以爭辯。”  的確,不能下酒,願可伴茶。


"Give and Take" by Adan Grant,2011 超棒的一本書,作者指出,傳統智慧非常成功的人都俱有三種共同特質:動機(motivation),能力(ability)及機會(opportunity)。我們如想成功,需要努力(hard work),才能(talent)及運氣(luck)的組合。另外別忘了第四項:挺重要但常被忽略,也就是我們與他人互動的方式。(Success depends heavily on how we approach our interactions with people.) 這本書的紫標題是:A Revolutionary Approach to Success. 原定價27.95美金 誠品書局賣599台幣。


很難說冬天是從哪天開始的。冬天降臨的腳步很慢, 像是人變老一樣。一天過一天,不知不覺,已然是個鮮明的事實。(It was hard to say when exactly winter arrived. The decline was gradual, like that of a person into old age, inconspicuous from day to day until the season became an established relentless reality. )--旅行的藝術---

如果人生不是為了追尋快樂汲汲營營,或許沒有幾件事能顯現這種追尋的動力,熱切及弔詭。旅行就是其中之最。旅行隱 隱約約代表探索人生,掙脫工作的束縛,努力活下去。儘管如此,很少有人把旅行當做哲學問題來思辨,一般人總以為旅行是很實際的事。(艾倫。狄波頓 旅行的藝術,先覺出版社)


Love is in the eye of the beholder. 係指“情人眼中出西施”
perception 在OB(Organizational Behavior)中,指的是“知覺”
人的熱情不持久,可說成 Passion doesn't last.


今天讀到一篇 The New York Times "Director Dares to Film Gatsby" 文章指出,
 Fitzgerald 的小說所以難拍, 因為" its real power comes not from the plot but the prose" 記得1974年由Robert Redford 與 Mia Farrow 主演的 “Gatsby" 便被 The New York Times 的 Vincent Canby 稱為“在游泳池底下游太久了挺乏味的”(Lifeless as a body that's been too long at the bottom of a swimming pool." 5/17  欣賞到導演的功力了, 電影特效的魅力實在太大了,能把這部電影拍到很好看,的確不簡單!


(“Whenever you feel like criticizing anyone." " just remember that all the people
 in the world haven't had the advantages that you've had.")
     ~ 大亨小傳 The Great Gatsby~


這真是一本巨著。John Kenneth Galbraith 寫道:
“I have also been much helped in writing on economics by the conviction that there is no idea associated with the subject that cannot, with sufficient effort, be stated in clear English. “

  ~ A LIFE IN OUR TIME, MEMOIRS, BY john Kenneth Galbraith,pp.535~


“偉大的追尋”(Grand Pursuit),這位曾寫過關於諾貝爾經濟學奬得主John Nash為故事主軸 Beautiful mind 的名作家, 花了近十年收集資料的巨著, 真是非常不一樣, 的確引人入勝,不可失之交臂。英文電子本13.11美金, 中譯本卻需660台幣。


讀The New York Times知道巴西超離譜的肥官, 簡直無法相信,
領到263,000美元, 更離譜的有一名法官月薪竟然領到361,500美元。
奇特的是, 教師與警察卻月薪僅1000美元出頭, 也使得該國治安問題嚴重,


當自己深知寫書之難時, 定能激賞閱讀他人創作之幸。可用性捷徑(Availability heuristic) ---依賴記憶搜尋的難易, 實在是一種挺重要的發現。(讀Thinking Fast and Slow有感) 也使人對媒體的操控打個寒戰。


 最近突然爆紅的小說"Fifty Shades of Grey" 三部曲(Trilogy), 狂銷卻也頗受爭議, 書中著墨許多性事, 先是少量的紙本書推動, 接著透過口耳相傳, 電子書大賣, 其聲勢不下 J.K.Rawling的 Harry Potter, 書中也涉及BDSM (bondage, dominance, sadism, and masochism) 以及 erotica. 當然不少讀者嗜味這種描述, 但千萬也不能忽視書中的人際互動基本原則。

( 心情隨筆校園筆記 )
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