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2010/07/26 14:53:32瀏覽585|回應0|推薦2

        一套說服別人順遂你意的方法應該很吸引人吧?Peter Wink 這本 Negotiate Your Way to Riches, 就是要教讀者如何練就高明的談判致富法, How to convince others to give what you want. Joe Vitale, 暢銷書 “There is a customer born every minute” 的作者, 評論該書“ Arm yourself with this amazing book or prepare to be a victim of the person who did buy this book.” (誰先搶讀該書, 誰先贏) 。Joseph Sugarman, BluBlocker 公司董事長, 稱該書是“The techniques are priceless, the wisdom far reaching.” (指該書所談的談判技巧高超, 藴含廣遠的智慧。)

         我們一生或多或少都會進入談判的狀況 (Is there anything in life that doesn’t involve negotiating?), 別以為 negotiate 是件嚴肅的大事件, 說服別人, 說明事情原委, 改變他人態度, 進而影響決策都是 negotiation 的範疇, 而作者認為“Negotiate your way to riches is designed to teach you every facet of negotiating from A to Z. It’s literally a step-by-step system, teaching you everything from how to develop the “negotiator’s mindset” to using 36 specific negotiating tactics to close winning deals.” 所以作者係從談判者的心態, 談到36種完成好交易的實用戰術。

        有三個名詞需先解釋一番, (1) Strategic negotiation 策略性談判, (2) Tactics(戰術), (3) Leverage 槓桿作用。 Strategic negotiation is simply the act of devising and carrying out a well thought out plan to convince someone to give you something you want on your term. Strategy is an overall, big picture plan, which includes a list of goals. 所謂策略性談判係指能妥善安排及執行嚴謹的計畫, 說服某人依你開的條件給你一些東西而言。策略是整體的, 宏觀的計畫, 也包含系列的目標。Tactics are the means by which you carry out your strategy. 戰術乃是執行你策略的工具。至於 Leverage is showing that you have more to offer the other side(power, prestige, money ,etc.) than they can offer you. Leverage can be real or perceived. 這兒說的槓桿作用指的是你的籌碼(權力, 威望, 金錢等) 要比談判的另一方更多, 更豐富。作者指出, 如果你學成他的技巧(techniques), 你就能夠輕易區分說謊之徒,騙子,冒牌貨及金光黨(You are able to spot liars, cheats, charlatans, and fraud from a mile away!)
        作者 Peter Wink 特別強調, Chap 2 The Negotiator’s Mindset ㄧ定要研讀三次!因為唯有這樣, 讀者才能建立適當的談判者心態(Negotiator’s Mindset), 成功地執行(successfully implement)他那專業的談判策略(specialized negotiation strategies)。而談判心態究竟何所指呢?指的是個人心智架構與思想類型, 使他能視每一情況都是能夠談判的機會, 也都有勝算的把握。(A person who possesses a negotiator’s mindset has a frame of mind and thought patterns that enable him to look at every situation as a chance to negotiate and win.) 無論是購物, 交換東西, 說服某人作某事, 都想取得勝算。(They’re always ready to win.) 然而令人納悶的是, 太多人都以為談判只是單純指產品採購或大企業案子。這絕對是繆誤的觀念 (This is a fallacy.) 。它應該是全天候的(There are opportunities to negotiate everywhere around you--- 24 hours a day, seven days a week.) Did you know that every time you ask for someone to do something for you, you’ve opened up a negotiation? ) 換句話說, 每次你要求某人為你作某事, 你就已打開談判之門。他更進一步提出培養談判者心態的四項簡單步驟:

Discover the vast opportunities to negotiate everywhere around you. (建立四處均能談判, 機會處處存在的警覺心。)
 See yourself as a skilled negotiator. (自視為高明的談判者。)
 Believe you can win every negotiation. ( 相信自己談判場場能贏。)
 Practice your new negotiation skills every day. ( 每天練習你的新談判技能。)

        其次進入收集資訊的重要階段, 這時必需 "allow yourself to make objective moves based on a strong combination of intuition and factual  research” , 因為如果不能收集到正確的事實, 對於談判必然率爾操觚, 無法掌握勝算, 也就是 “ It’s always important that you never jump into any negotiation without gathering the facts and studying them very carefully.” 而資訊收集也有三個階段: 首先要建立自己的資訊, 掌握自己的狀況, 譬如自己的動機(Motives), 你為何要與這個人或組織談生意, 你為何須要該產品或勞務?理由(Reasoning), 你想完成這生意的真正或暗藏的理由是什麼?債務(Debts), 你目前及將來的債務是什麼? 資本(Capital), 你目前手邊有何資源?缺什麼? 手邊現金(Cash on hand), 你有足夠的現金完成此交易嗎?有所保留(Hidden agendas), 你想隱藏一些事或完全坦白? 時間限制(Time line), 你有多少時間完成該交易?急迫性(Duress), 你會有壓力感, 或感覺輕鬆? 責任輕重(Responsibilities), 你只代表自己, 還是有其他人?其次要收集談判對方的資訊, 作者也引用我國孫子的名言 “知已知彼, 百戰不殆”(If you know the enemy and know yourself you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.” 關於對方是否需要你, 當然不易確定, can be a lot trickier. 也許可以用底下的問題得知:(1) What do I have of value that would be of interest to this person or his company? 你是否有價值, 是否會引起對方的興致? (2) Do I have a product or service that can make huge profits? 你有會大發利市的產品或勞務嗎? (3) Am I offering a service they must have to be more efficient and profitable in the future? 如果你可以提供的勞務目前雖不怎樣, 對來應會有頗大的獲益潛力。(4) Will doing business with me enhance their reputation? 對方是否將因你而提高其名聲?

        在談判過程中, Trust 與 communication 也相當重要, “Being trustworthy is among the top negotiation skills that you absolutely must develop.” 而 “ Accurate communication is vital to effective, successful negotiation.” 在管理學中, 有效率(efficient)與有效能(effective)區分很清楚, efficiency 指的是 output/input (投入與產出)之關係, 而effectiveness 則指目標達成 (the attainment of goals) , 所以, 有時效率很高卻沒有效能是會發生的。另外在資料分析中, 會用到效度(validity)與信度(reliability), 效度係指研究建構(construct)的準確性, 信度則是指資料的一致性(consistency), 所以, 有效度一定有信度, 但是有信度卻未必一定有效度。

          雖然書名讓你頗心動, Negotiate Your Way to Riches , 但是並沒有你想像那麼具 “祕笈” 性, 也許成功取得勝利就是致富的表徵, 因此成為 successful negotiators, 成為True winners 也是致富的先決條件, 更值得一提的是, Money is just one aspect of negotiations!  為了使自己成為贏家, 就該做到像名教練 Tony Robbins 說的 CANI, 亦即 Constant Never-Ending Improvement, 永不止息的充電改進自己計畫, 閱讀, 參加研討會, 接觸各種有關的影音材料, 使自己常處於激活的狀態。


( 知識學習語言 )
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