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2010/03/16 23:32:41瀏覽431|回應0|推薦2
莫名的問題和著生泥   在心中持續刻畫著更深的足跡 
走在滿佇影的矇矓山色底   垂憐仰頭地說了一句  
剛開始的快樂呢 ?
沒忘記 卻又如此眩神詭異  那到底  是來自何方的擾襲

呼吸著不同的空氣  吐露著相同的心情
將繁文縟節的過去重新拉回簡單的字裡  是需要多施點力~

接映著期許 縛繫著我的心   
三月 也是春綠如茵

  Breathe [ Genetic World  2002.4.16 ](Télépopmusik(Telepopmusik))

I brought you something close to me,
Left for something you see though your here.
You haunt my dreams
Theres nothing to do but believe,
Just believe.
Just breathe.

Another day, just believe,
Another day, just breathe
Another day, just believe,
Another day. just breathe.

Im used to it by now.
Another day, just believe.
Just breathe. just believe.
Just breathe.
Lying in my bed,
Another day, staring at the ceiling.

Just breathe. another day.
Another day, just believe.
Another day.
Im used to it by now.
Im used to it by now.
Just breathe. just believe.
Just breathe. just believe.
Just believe. just breathe.
Just believe.
Another day, just believe.
Another day.
Another day, just believe,
Another day, just breathe,
Another day (I do believe).
Another day(so hard to breathe)
Another day(not so hard to believe)
Another day. another day.

( 心情隨筆雜記 )
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