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20160406 可口可樂博物館和九份校外教學活動 (附照片27張)
2016/04/09 12:23:19瀏覽412|回應0|推薦0








接待處:踏出電梯便可以感受到當年亞特蘭大市的街道氛圍,傑柯藥局的展覽讓您了解最早可口可樂販賣店家;吧台贈飲處讓來可口可樂世界參觀的民眾能暢飲清涼爽快的可口可樂,時間櫥窗中展覽著100多年來從奧運、世界杯足球賽、聖誕節、到NBA籃球賽All Star Weekend等發行紀念瓶,滿足您的好奇心。




同時擁有高山屏障與遼闊海景的九份,除了有首屈一指的山海風光,春夏秋冬晴雨晨昏日夜景致各具物色。區內任何面海窗戶、陽臺、門口埕等地,均可欣賞到不同季節、相異時段的自然景觀、青鬱尖聳的「雞籠山」與開闊碧藍的港灣海濱。「春櫻花、夏清風、秋芒花、冬雲霧」為九份美麗多變之四季容顏最佳寫照。春日踏青,臺陽公司瑞芳礦場辦事處與福山宮前埕,幾叢櫻花迎面展姿。夏日山嵐清風,溫差效應造成日吹山風、夜吹海風,令人暑氣全消。晚秋時分芒花抽穗,隨著東北季風吹拂,一波波白芒如浪潮般在山巒間浪漫搖曳,駐足頌德公園上方涼亭、大竿林、雞籠山及往雙溪的 102縣道上,感受款款詩意。冬日霪雨連綿,細雨中石階兀自流著瀑布般的水流,寒意襲人的繚繞霧氣,為九份增添幾許若隱若現的另一種冷清、蕭瑟面貌。白天若無雲霧瀰漫,海上一片清朗蔚藍,可遠眺層層的海浪;入夜後,海面上漁火點點,更襯托出山城夜晚的寧靜。其它諸如坐看日出雲起、晚霞滿天、觀星賞月……,均令人動容,難以忘懷。




Taiwan's total land area is about 36,000 square kilometers (14,400 square miles). It is shaped like a leaf that is narrow at both ends. It lies off the southeastern coast of mainland Asia, across the Taiwan Strait from China - an island on the western edge of the Pacific Ocean. To the north is Japan; to the south is the Philippines. Many airlines fly to Taiwan, making it the perfect travel destination.

Taiwan lies on the western edge of the Pacific "rim of fire," and continuous tectonic movements have created majestic peaks, rolling hills and plains, basins, coastlines, and other natural landscapes. Taiwan's tropical, sub-tropical, and temperate climates provide clear differentiation between the different seasons. There are rare or endangered species of wildlife on the island. Among these are the land-locked salmon, Taiwan serow, Formosan rock monkey, Formosan black bear, blue magpie, Mikado pheasant, and Hsuehshan grass lizard.

The Taiwan government has established 9 national parks and 13 national scenic areas to preserve Taiwan's best natural ecological environment and cultural sites. There are various ways to discover the beauty of Taiwan. For example, trekking in the magnificence of the cliffs at Taroko Gorge; taking a ride on the Alishan Forest Railway and experiencing the breathtaking sunrise and sea of clouds; hiking up to the summit of Northeast Asia's highest peak, Yu Mountain (Yushan). You can also soak up the sun in Kending (Kenting), Asia's version of Hawaii; stand at the edge of Sun Moon Lake; wander through the East Rift Valley; or visit the offshore islands of Kinmen and Penghu. It's fun in capital letters as well as an awesome journey of natural discovery! 

Taiwan is known for its towering mountains and, indeed, is spotted with numerous mountains peaks that rise over 3,000 meters. It is also the home of Northeast Asia's tallest mountain, Yu Mountain (Yushan), which is nearly 4,000 meters in height. Besides mountains, beautiful coastal scenes are part of Taiwan's great natural assets. Starting from the northern tip of the island is the North Coast & Guanyinshan National Scenic Area and Northeast and Yilan Coast National Scenic Area, featuring a wide variety of coastal geography. Traveling around the island to the east, you come to the scenic East Coast National Scenic Area and East Rift Valley National Scenic Area; go to the south, and you will come to the Southwest Coast National Scenic Area and then the Dapeng Bay National Scenic Area, blessed with sunshine and a tropical touch. Alongside the western edge of the Central Mountain Range is the Maolin National Scenic Area, where a lot of indigenous people live and place you can check out the world of butterflies, Rukai stone houses, and splendid natural scenes. Legendary tales depict the subtle beauty of the Alishan National Scenic Area, where you can enjoy relaxing scene of the sun rising over a sea of clouds. The incomparable natural setting of the Sun Moon Lake National Scenic Area waits in the center of the island, and the Tri-Mountain National Scenic Area offers eagle-spotting at Bagua Mountain, the highland fruits of Lishan and the sacred Buddhist sanctuary of Lion's Head Mountain.

The Penghu National Scenic Area encompasses ninety islets scattering in the Taiwan Strait. Flat landscapes make these islands much different from Taiwan itself. Located in the sea southeast of Taiwan is, Green Island, part of the East Coast National Scenic Area, which offers unique saltwater hot-spring bathing and spectacular diving on colorful coral reefs. The Matsu National Scenic Area comprises four townships on five islands. Most of the tourist sites are located on the island of Nangan. Beigan is famous for its traditional stone house and fish noodles. Juguang for its fishing port and lighthouse. On Dongyin you will find fantastic rock formations and the Dongyin branch of the Matsu Distillery. Natural and cultural attractions abound in the Siraya National Scenic Area in southern Taiwan's Tainan City. In addition to five scenic reservoirs (Zengwen, Wushantou, Baihe, Jianshanpi, and Hutoupi), the scenic area embraces the geologically fascinating Caoshan Moon World, the Zouzhen archaeological site, and the skin-pampering mud springs of Guanziling. Colorful indigenous events and tasty local specialties also await you at Siraya. The scenic area is also known for a varied coastline of sand dunes, sand banks, marshes, and wetlands, offering precious habitats for wildlife.


It is said that long time ago there were only nine families in Jiufen. Before the roads on land were built, all materials were transported via ships. Thus a habit was formed that nine pieces of same object were purchased at one time for reservation. Hence, the place was called Jiufen.

Jiufen used to be the center of gold mining. It is located within the hills in northeast of Taiwan. The village is next to the mountain and facing the sea. In 1890, someone struck gold near Jiufen. The poor village with only nine families soon attracted prospectors of 4,000 families. The village once was gold city of Asia and called little Shanghai or little Hong Kong. However, with the decline of gold mining activities, Jiufen fades. Later, several movies chose to shoot here and the movies won international acknowledgement. For example, the film "A City of Sadness" has won first prize in Venice Film Festival and awakened people's memory of Jiufen. It seems that the prosperous old streets, buildings, mines and the glamorous gold digging days are flashing before our eyes. The place is whispering its golden past. Now, there are many unique teahouses in Jiufen. These teahouses are best stops during visit to this mountain village. Also, there is the beautiful ocean view of Keelung outer sea.

The most prosperous shopping district is Jiufen Old Street. It goes through most of the village. There are many visitors on the street. Along the street there are shops vending the most famous country snack of Jiufen, yam dish and various local dishes. There are some historical items well reserved. The trip to Jiufen is full of fun and delights. Jiufen has many accommodation places provided by local residents. If you were not in a hurry, you may want to pick a nice inn and stay for the starlight and fishing lights at night.

( 在地生活大台北 )
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