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2010/09/21 13:11:18瀏覽217|回應0|推薦6 | |
When I was a kid, I loved jumping off the highest point of the playground. I would climb up to the top of slides and places that weren't meant to be climbed on. I was a gymnast, so I'd do somersaults off anything and everything. Why run down the stairs when you can just jump over an entire flight of stairs? Haha. Actually, my favorite was sliding the down stairs on my bum (they were carpeted, of course). I remember there were times when my mom would tell me not to do something because I'd get hurt, and sure enough from time to time I would. But, I would always try to hide it from her. Of course, she''s my ma and mothers always know everything! At some point, as we grow up, we start to become a little more cautious about how we conduct ourselves because we become aware of how badly we could potentially hurt. We realize that breaking bones is not fun, even though you get to pick a cool color for your cast and have everyone sign it. We realize that consequences can turn out to be quite grueling and painful. Still, if you’re like me, you find yourself continuously jumping every chance you get, just to see if you'll fly. I mean, how else are you going to know if you can? I really hated cleaning up the mess of getting hurt too. Not only was it gross looking at my knees all bloodied up and nasty, I hated when my dad would use that anti-bacterial cleaner that stung like lightning on silver. If I wasn’t crying already, that sure did it. But then, I’d rub some Neosporin on it, put a Band-Aid over it, and let it heal. When it was time for the Band-Aid to come off, I'd let my wound breath and eventually all that was left there was a little scar…and even those sometimes disappeared. It's the same thing with chasing dreams. It takes a lot to get me to quit and give up on something. A lot of times, even when I think I've quit, I go back and give it another shot. Sometimes that's a good thing, and other times I could have probably done without the returns. Sometimes the more we fall and get hurt, the more we start to build walls up around us to protect ourselves. Every time I start to feel scared, and I feel those walls start to come up, I reach into myself to find that little girl inside me, asking her to remind me how to live fearlessly…to take the risks of dreaming big. “When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it.” -Henry Ford I'm leaping onto another flight tonight, bracing myself for any turbulence that might turn up, and enjoying the ride. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 我多麼喜歡妳寫的這一篇日記. 前一陣子, 大夥兒們都擔心你的近況. 不是走不出來感情創傷, 而是擔心你對人心不再信任, 只有負面想法. 我們由創傷中學習保護自己, 再一次出發, 即使逆風而行, 如同你最後說的: [飛機是逆風而起的.] 沒錯, 有信心, 也有愛的支持, 再次逆風而起, 展翅飛翔. 祝福再祝福. |
( 心情隨筆|心情日記 ) |