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奇幻小說:《天堂旅館》( The Heavenly Hotel )
2023/02/06 20:16:56瀏覽94|回應2|推薦0

奇幻小說:天堂旅館( The Heavenly Hotel 

The Heavenly Hotel
潛伏在旅館的眼線,向暗黑世界瑪莉亞公主密報,公主派手下侍衛長龍騎士,抓捕旅館內的侍者和總管,以魔法解除黃sir身上咒語,黃得以回復成活人。瑪莉亞公主交付黃一項任務,當林sir從巴黎回來,讓林知道自己的前世,就是公主父親的侍衛長。林sir必須全力協助公主,擊敗暗黑世界的邪惡勢力鬼王安德森集團。林sir意外捲入吸血鬼之間的鬥爭,他能開發自身的潛能,修練出上乘的東方武學,擊殺安德森嗎﹖當神秘的東方武學,對上西方吸血鬼的奇幻魔法,會激發出哪些火花呢 ﹖這部電影比「暮光之城」的情節還要曲折離奇,更多的懸念和衝突,足以吸引觀眾眼球,開出亮麗的票房。

A Fantasy Animation Film screenplay The Heavenly Hotel
Mr LIN , a traveling writer had an argument with his girl friend MsXieh, who then parted him going on her European tour alone to relax herself. Hence she lost contact w’ Sir LIN.
So Sir LIN went to Europe to search for her back. First he traveled to Lake Lou Sen, in Switzerland checking in a hotel named Heavenly Hotel exclusively for receiving guests from of artists and men of literary letters circles. The hotel is noted for vampires or bloodsucker to have gathered, on every Friday the 13rd, That’s “a ghost day “. On the night, the bloodsucker waiters will transform the hotel guests into vampires. At the hotel Sir LIN made acquaintance with the artist Sir HUANG who was trapped n’ retained there in. Not tolerating Huangs bad luck of being turned into a vampire like the same fate as his, So on the arrival of ghost day he warned LIN of it . Wanting LIN to hurry leaving away from the hotel, thus LIN escaping the fate. Sir HUANG therefore was fined by the hotel general supervisor, Who used curse words to transform Huang into a Stone Statue.
To repay SirHUANG’d kindness of saving his life, LIN returning to the hotel, Finding HUANG’s Statue in the garden, Taking with him HUANG’s works and rolls of films, which he brought together to Paris, To hand them to the museum director and fine art gallery head.
The spies lurking in the hotel sneaking out the secrets confiding,To advise Princess Maria of the darkness world, Who sent her body guards Knight Dragon, To catch the hotel waiters and chief supervisor, Employing magic talisman Spell Book to relieve and free the curses spelled upon Sir HUANG, who was reverted into his living body as alive. Princess Maria entrusted HUANG with a mission, The moment Sir LIN on returning from Paris, Letting LIN know about his previous life, As the body guard of the Princess’ father. Making all his efforts, Sir LIN had to assist the Princess, to defeat the King of evil forces named Anderson Gang of the darkness world.
Accidentally Sur LIN got involved in the infighting between the Vampires, Can he’s capable of developing his own self defense potential, cultivating the upmost top-notch oriental weaponry for fighting skill and art Able to beat and kill Anderson? When the mysterious oriental weaponry, in the face of fantasies magic of western Vampire, What kind of firework would be sparkling out?
This film is more of an enchanting and wonderfully episode full of twists and turns and things strange and odd, better thanTwilight Saga With more of the suspenses and conflicts to catching the eyes and attention of the audiences. thus creating the winning box office records beautifully.

《目 錄》

故事大綱                                                 3
、故事章節                                                 5

【一】初到琉森湖                             6
【二】音樂會壁畫                             10
【三】黃立華示警                              14
【四】石雕人像花園                           17
【五】鬼帝安德森                             20
【六】溫柔的陷阱                             25
【七】曉陽的天命真女                          30
【八】驚人的內幕                               34
【九】舊愛與新歡                             39
【十】巴黎的三角謎題                         43
十一】調查安妮的真實身分                   46
【十二】林曉陽派人保護黃敏華                 51
【十三】林曉陽去梵諦岡                       57
【十四】暴風雨前的短暫寧靜                   64
【十五】陳約翰力挫兩大護法                   70
【十六】鬼帝安德森的挫折                     80
【十七】大法師魯夫的探查之旅                 79
【十八】黑蝙蝠軍大舉出動                     84
【十九】降魔軍和鐵血禁衛軍                   89
【二十】白狼將軍進退兩難                     94
【二十一】反守為攻的計畫                     97
【二十二】邊界線上的慘烈遭遇戰               102
【二十三】強弩之末:安德森的豪賭             106
【二十四】艱鉅的任務                           113
【二十五】夫妻同心練武術                     120
【二十六】阿爾卑斯山的獵人村                 126
【二十七】曉陽與朗恩兄弟重逢                 132
【二十八】硬闖蜥蜴人地界                     138
【二十九】凶險的妖怪森林                     143
【三 十】幽冥山谷坦雅公主                    148
【三十一】林曉陽與坦雅的面談                 152
【三十二】瑪莉亞的懺悔                       155
【三十三】黃立華來到淡水                     158
【三十四】黃立華隱居海上                     162

故 事 大 綱















Travel writer Lin Xiaoyang came to Europe for a self-guided tour to search for his missing girlfriend, Xie Huijun, and stayed at the Heaven Inn by the shore of Lake Lucerne. Little did he know that the inn was the headquarters of vampires, and he accidentally got involved in the dark world and the struggle between the two factions of vampires.
Xiaoyang befriended the painter Huang Lihua, who lived in the mural in his room. Lihua told Xiaoyang that he was an old vampire trapped in the inn against his will. Xiaoyang sympathized with Lihuas plight and the two became close friends. On the Ghost Festival, Lihua warned Xiaoyang to leave the inn in time to avoid being killed by the vampires. Lihua was arrested and punished and turned into a stone statue.
Grateful to Lihua for saving his life, Xiaoyang returned to the inn and took the film from Lihuas statue, taking Lihuas work to Paris for the world to see. Later, Princess Maria learned of Lihuas plight and ordered General Long Knight to lead the Iron Blood Forbidden Army to sweep away the demons under Andersons command and rescue Huang Lihua.
Huang Lihua went to Paris to find Xiaoyang and gave him the ability to paint, asking him to come back and take over the Heaven Inn, and told him that his granddaughter Huang Minhua was coming. Minhua arrived as scheduled and she and Xiaoyang fell in love. Lihua deliberately manipulated the situation and told Xiaoyang many amazing insider stories, revealing that everything before was orchestrated by Princess Maria.
Xiaoyang was entrusted with an important task by Lihua and learned that in his past life he was David, the beloved of the princess, and he must help Princess Maria defeat the ambitious ghost king Anderson in the dark world. However, Xiaoyang still had doubts about whether he was born with superpowers. It wasnt until Minhua gave him his first kiss that the seal on Xiaoyang was unexpectedly released, and he remembered his past life memories.
From then on, under the planning of Princess Maria, Lin Xiaoyang followed Father John, his mentor and friend, and gradually developed his own potential. Xiaoyang was also inspired by martial arts comics and developed a set of mysterious swordsmanship. Father John assisted the princess and first subdued the killer couple Lorna and Keith, who were generals under Anderson, and then in a fight at the Heaven Inn, injured George the Phantom Hand and Jack the Scissor Hand, the two left and right guardians under Anderson, forcing the former to retire and the latter to commit suicide.


( 休閒生活影視戲劇 )
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Dear Film and TV producers, Directors and Screenwriting Managers or Agents
2023/03/01 21:02

Dear Film and TV producers, Directors and Screenwriting Managers or Agents
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Welcome film and television production agents and directors
2023/02/06 20:32
Welcome film and television production agents and directors to discuss shooting authorization
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