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X-Factor kicks off George Michael / Wham! week, Sat., 21s NOV
2009/11/22 15:59:43瀏覽552|回應0|推薦21

其實昨天就在GM官網上看到11/21在X-Factor要撥"Wham week!"的新聞了...





另外,GM官網上還有另一則新聞"Grab the 'December Song' Widget"

是有關"December Song"這首歌曲...


主要是可以聽、看(18秒的短片)、下載(要收費)"December Song"


資料來源 : GM官網

November 19th, 2009

X-Factor kicks off George Michael / Wham! week, Sat., 21s NOV

UK fans, don't miss X-Factor this Saturday, 21st November, when the finalists kick off a George Michael/Wham! week. Get details »


資料來源 : ITV Home

Wham week!                          18 Nov 09

Bouffant hair? Check. Leather jacket? Check. Stonewash jeans? Check. Impossible to reach high notes? Check… it could only be Wham week!

This Saturday night our finalists will be embracing the decade that gave us the poodle perm, fingerless gloves and shoulder pads to perform some classic hits from one of the biggest duos of the era.

With hits such as Club Tropicana, Careless Whisper and the Wham! Rap, plus pop legend George Michael’s back catalogue to choose from, we’re sure this live show will be a pure pop fest!

Get ready to don your favourite leg warmers and dance around your living room people!... Or is that just us?

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