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2009/10/17 13:53:21瀏覽643|回應1|推薦19 | |
(她是媽媽~~恬靜閱報的媽媽) 引用文章緣份走了,留也留不住.. 再見,再會 查了線上字典 再見有好多情懷 情境及祝福 當下不同的感懷 不同的再見 再見不是再也不見 更不是緣滅 再見是期待再次聚首 也許在夢裡 也許在下一次的偶遇 更或許來生再見 再見是階段性的結束 卻是迎接新階段的來臨 再見是對未來充滿嚮望與祝福的 再見是說一路順風 好好欣賞人生上站下站的風景 再見是待會見 再見是要彼此保重珍重 再見是祈禱時燒香拜拜時請上帝老天爺祖先的庇佑 再見是情長路更長的感恩懷念歡欣祝福 See you再見的祝福~~看見越來越棒的你(妳) Be good再見的祝福~~好好活著 活得好好的. Bye-bye再見的祝福~~跟昨天的不愉快說聲Bye. So long再見的祝福~~源遠留長 (她是媽媽~~怡然自在的媽媽) Don't Go Away Looking through your eyes (媽媽和爸爸訂婚當天在外公家前合影) Saying "Goodbye" is a kind of continuing bond which links souls. Sounding "Goodbye" has its positive meaning which can be transferred to the power of love in all kinds of relationships. Whispering "Goodbye" is a kind of force which generates merrier and joyful " yuan". Wishful "Goodbye" could be understood by sincere heart-to-heart interactions instead of the specific aims with forms or styles. Thankful "Goodbye" is like a time machine which brings us back to the special moments in the past. Reflective "Goodbye" is like an inverted reflection in water and I see the vivid image of her smiles. Forever "Goodbye" is like holding Mom's hand and feeling Mom's heartbeats. Sincere "Goodbye" connects me with Mom and I am sure Mom never leaves me alone. I am missing Mom and the secret code of " Goodbye" makes me alive and alright. Because I know saying " Goodbye" to Mom all-heartedly is not only a kind of everlasting missing but also a kind of continuing bond which link loves together forever. |
( 心情隨筆|心情日記 ) |