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Man VS Woman
2009/09/10 21:19:41瀏覽403|回應1|推薦9


女性特質 外柔內剛

男性特質 外剛內脆

女性 柔情似水  細水長流

男性 衝勁似火  星火燎原

剛與柔 水與火 任性與韌性 差別不大

在於 面對態度 堅持長度 包容的寬度

The different between  "Woman" and "Man" lies on the concepts of "W" and "O".

"W" can be whatever, whenever, whoever, wherever.

"O" can be an opportunity to be either a man or a woman.

Actually, I should say in this way, there is a woman in each man; there is a man in each woman. The key is how to master the role of being a man or a woman  in the right place and at the right time.

It is nice to be a " MAN" man, but it is also cool to be a "Childlike" man who is willing to share his emotion truly and honestly. Besides, it will be fabulous to be a "Woman-like" man who can be very  sensitive to share his up and down emotions and genuine affection directly without hiding or being fake. The point is that those who can be honest to their feelings and affections are blessed with more marvelous encounters with someone wonderful.

Every encounter is good with its meaning and blessing, but the next encounter will be very expecting for sure.

Good luck to every good man.

Good luck to every good woman.

Good luck to every childlike man and woman.

Good luck to every woman-like man and man-like woman.

Good luck to every expecting encounter.

The value of a man or a woman should be seen in what he or she gives as well as in what he or she is able to receive.

Loving actively and unconditionally is powerful beyond words. 

Being loved actively and all-heartedly is also a kind of amzing grace beyond words.

( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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brave man
2009/09/10 22:00
Mai-Mai(y142485) 於 2009-09-10 21:49 回覆: 

This "man" also know you in this blog and he should see this article replying from you and he knew you are my best friend at here. I think he will accept your advice and encouragement. you already see his reply above.

Happiness(s222460428) 於 2009-09-10 22:33 回覆: