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2009/09/04 08:10:23瀏覽549|回應3|推薦22 | |
引用文章男人簡歷之二:窗子 I have read this story twice. I love its arrangement, especially the ending which is full of all kinds of possibilities. I ask myself the definition of the window. Maybe the window is the persepective we value ourselves as well as the outer world. The outer world is always wide open, but whether the inner one is either locked or open will be up to me. We see through things clearly when we are able to view things with crystal clear mindset (window). Maybe "Window" serves as a channel, a passageway, an entranceway of getting closer to the truth of the outer world as well as the inner world of diverse and potential ME. While viewing the scenery outside the window, I am viewing the scenery of my own inner world. By examining the scenery of my own inner world, I will meet the beautiful scenery I expect to encounter in the outer world. Door & Window - Happy Helen - udn部落格 Window is a determinded doer who knows if he/she wishes to win, he/she has to do it with all his/her might and mind and he/ she has to get involved in the situation with his/her determinations and actions step by step and create win-win situation to benefit others while getting self-improvement. Window has a sincere friend, " Wind", who always comes with the best wishes and goes out to pay forward the seeds of determinations and actions. Window is a romantic and gentle man who says something sweet and considerate to melt the lover's heart. Window is a winner who never quits, who lets the challenges of the wind in, who never blocks the sunrays, the moonbeams and who faces the brightness of the day and the darkness of the night bravely and directly. Window is the password of " 運動"--- 好『運』來 是因為起心『動』念都是祝福 新視窗是想『遇』見 心目中的美『景』 心視窗是想『預』見 心目中的美『己』 責任與擔當則是 『觀』見 『聽』見 心目中最『實在』的『景與己』 |
( 心情隨筆|心情日記 ) |