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2019/04/10 06:59:27瀏覽700|回應1|推薦3 | |
#mind confined behind find kind
(A) cup of hot tea smooths my troubled mind.
(L)alala --Singing along makes me free from being confined.
(O)pen up the mind and leave all the worries behind.
(N)o one can stop me from making my own kind of happiness. Who seeks shall find.
(E)very step I take, every move I make, I want to be kind.
A cup of hot tea smooths my troubled mind.
Lalala --Singing along makes me free from being confined.
Open up the mind and leave all the worries behind.
No one can stop me from making my own kind of happiness. Who seeks shall find.
Every step I take, every move I make, I want to be kind.
( 心情隨筆|心情日記 ) |