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I will be there with you since I am a human being instead of a human doing.
2009/08/01 23:40:46瀏覽875|回應1|推薦3


Haha, although I used to say it is nice to be a silent reader, I still believe somehow talks are nicer than silence. Sorry for my noise here. Haha, I sound like a talkative frog.

Anyway, we all say we are "human beings" but what we have done makes us become " Human doings."

"We are who we are" instead of "we are what we are doing. "

Lots of times, we do too much but forget to be there.

Lots of times, we eager to do too much for our loved ones, but we seem to forget they are supposed to learn with their own hands, heads and hearts.

Lots of times, we tend to make things complicated and forget the fact that  simplicity is always the starting point, the turning point and the key point.

Lots of times, being there speaks louder than doing without being.

Lots of times,  " I will be there" is more powerful and meaningful than " I will do it for you."

Hahaha, so....it is so nice to remind myself a simple fact but the most important truth---I am a human being instead of a human doing.

"I will be there with you." is always supportive enough in every kind of situation and diverse relationships.

( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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Being there
2009/08/02 23:47
"Being there" conveys a strong sense of companionship, friendship and willingness to provide assistance, warmth and comfort in whatever situations. One doesn't have to be doing too much, because "being there" is already "doing" a lot. That's why people often say "thank you for being there for me" with great gratitude. Thanks for sharing your wisdom and insight, Helen!
Happiness(s222460428) 於 2009-08-03 00:00 回覆:

Thanks for being here with me with your thoughtful understanding. I am truly touched because you seem to know what my hidden meanings between lines.

Thanks for "your strong sense of companionship, friendship and willingness to provide assistance, warmth and comfort."

Haha, I alway wish to shout out loud and say, " Happy Father's Day." since you  always serve as a respectful DAD and you are truly a perfect image of FATHER.
