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2009/08/16 07:58:46瀏覽776|回應1|推薦23 | |
引用文章【天空的獨白】一日 我不會唱歌 也不會跳舞 I can not sing. Neither can I dance. 我不想唱歌 也不想跳舞 I do not want to sing. Neither do I want to dance. 就讓天上的偶而翩舞在您我波心的朵朵白雲 Let the fluffy and white clouds in the sky occasionally fly swiftly and dance gracefully in your heart and mine. 和一支支抬頭挺胸電線桿上那一條條像五線譜的天線 Let the aerial wire poles stand still with antenna wires in the air. Make the air wires weave like the staves in the sky and compose poetry-like music. 及那一隻隻像音符的翩飛歸鳥 Let the swiftly flying birds fly back to their homeland like musical notes. 替我唱出最美的旋律 曲調 最恰適心聲 心情 Please sing along the most beautiful melodies and tunes for me. Please sing out loud the most proper heartfelt wishes and affections for me. 替我舞出最真的姿態線條 最曼妙的舞步 舞蹈 Please dance the most genuine postures and figures for me. Please dance the most graceful steps and passionate movements for me. 替我唱出 舞出最真 最善 最美的祝福 Please dance and sing the true, the good and the beautiful blessings for me.
( 心情隨筆|心情日記 ) |