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Dear BR 我的未來不是夢 350
2009/07/15 13:39:33瀏覽457|回應1|推薦15
作詞:陳家麗 作曲:翁孝良

你是不是像我在太陽下低頭 流著汗水默默辛苦的工作
你是不是像我就算受了冷漠 也不放棄自己想要的生活

*你是不是像我整天忙著追求 追求一種你想不到的溫柔
 你是不是像我曾經茫然失措 一次一次徘徊在十字街頭

 因為我 不在乎 別人怎麼說
 我從來沒有忘記我 對自己的承諾 對愛的執著

#我知道 我的未來不是夢 我認真地過每一分鐘
 我的未來不是夢 我的心跟著希望在動

 我的未來不是夢 我認真地過每一分鐘
 我的未來不是夢 我的心跟著希望在動 跟著希望在動

My future is not a dream

I wish both of us can work silently but industriously under the sun while facing the brightness

I wish both of us can pursuit our happiness in life without giving up even though sometimes we are treated coldly and detachedly

Maybe we are longing for a kind of unexpected tenderness all day long.

Maybe we used to wander around at a loss and felt completely in the dark or wander up and down the crisscross streets again and again

That’s because we don’t mind what others say

That’s because we’ve never forgotten our own commitment and the persistence toward love.

I am sure that our future is not just a dream

Due to the reason that we live up to its fullest of every minute industriously

Our future is not only a dream

Due to the reason that our hearts follow the hopes and they are moving with dreams.

Our hearts follow the hopes and moving with the dreams

The world is turning around with our hopes and dreams.

( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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2009/07/16 09:58