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Thanks, Maria
2009/03/02 22:14:20瀏覽633|回應0|推薦7

Dear Helen,
I really appreciate what you have done for me.....
Thank you very much~
其實  老實說  在這次旅行中 
但倒是  觀察也體會了很多人性  很有趣
但是 這都不能寫在心得中啊~!!  哈哈哈~
你真的是個很細心 很體貼 也很照顧人的開心果 
我感覺 我一直在從你這邊得到....很多很多
可是  我自己卻沒有給你什麼...  實在  我太~
願你得到人生中每樣幸福與快樂  我相信  你會說你一直有
但是 我還是要說你是值得的!!  :)
Thank you again for everything~
Have a good day!

Dear Maria,
Haha, thanks for your message. Yeah, you are right. I enjoy myself a lot and I live my single day with its special meaning--being happy and being content. Happiness is always my way in all ways.
I do appreciate your blessings and your positive comments about me. Haha, friendliness is my style and my uniqueness. Nice to know my good friend, Maria, can feel my uniqueness of being friendly, considerate, sweet, thoughtful and nice. Thanks, Maria. You yourself are a sweet, true, friendly, considerate, friendly person. Nice to have you as a great friend in my happy & simple life.
Wish us a happy and easy day every day.
( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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