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2009/01/14 09:19:10瀏覽505|回應0|推薦10



From my perspective, 「看好自己」 has two meanings--

One is well-behaved and well-managed myself.( Mind my own business before I am capable of minding others.)

The other is the higher expectation of myself-expect myself to have outstanding performance in the near future. ( Don't under-estimate myself and try to dig out the potentials hidden inside with confidence.)

事實上就是基本功的紮實,管好自己;在肯定自己之餘,對自己的期許,重要的是找到自己的uniqueness 及styles 進而發揮自己擅長之處。


Pencil and paper are magic wands which lead us to a wondrous world of the interaction among the written words, our prior knowledge, others' life experiences and our further implementations. And they( pencil and pen) even spark the inspirations or serve as reminders. Ideas or inspirations pop out and fade away within a second, but pencil and paper can facilitate us to make a tiny thought become a huge project, even turn into a realization of our beautiful dreams.

( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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