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2006/01/09 08:57:46瀏覽213|回應0|推薦6 | |
難答! 晨間一個清寧時段,超越俗世、心境尚未被俗事搞濁前,靜心、整肅儀容地嘗試回覆......,以下, You must forgive my direct way of communication ...since direct is apparently not your style. During my 30 years of life and training in the science and engineering world I have developed a deep habit of being precise and straightforward. However, I do know that many things in the universe are actually not precise and constant after all.( 就是說, 還是有一點點慧根的意思啦! ) Ok...now..I will try to be direct...the way I was trained and more comfortable with... What is your opinion about 男歡女愛 ? That has been the MAJOR , dominate driving force of human race. You name it; Business, Commercials, politics, consumers, Entertainment, Tv, .........if you trace back to the bottom, this world of human race is run by this force of desire 男歡女愛. Most animals do mate...but I do not observe much pleasure when they do it. They seem to be just doing it for producing a baby. I really do not know what make them do it. For human, though...it seems that we over do it on the joy. 99.9% of sexual activity are not producing any babies now. ( Unlike animals...90% of their sexual activities produce babies) Anyway....those just to throw to you some of the facts that i observe. The bottom line question, though, is NOT about the truth. It is about " What does RUYA think about 男歡女愛? Ruya, what do YOU think about 男歡女愛? ( I am NOT interested in any religion’s idea. I am NOT interested in what Budah or Dalai Lama think. I am interested in YOUR opinion.) Ruya, please forgive my directness. That is an engineer. ( Stupid...) *************************** 如芽這麼說: i read through the question again and will reply it now and here...of course in Chinese again... 既然是我的想法,依舊是迂迴不明確的方式? 如芽的特性吧?!前言導引非整理,是暖身... 如何表達,心在找出路,腦為輔, 這便是所謂科學的頭腦與宗教式的心之不同, 人間時序進入~2006年~還未曾真正為文哩, 明知身心靈的狀態與紅塵路標又進入嶄新的另一境,興奮難免, 性子依舊徐徐前行,偶爾停滯、甚而迴顧盤桓,為的是 讓心慢慢適應新的進程。 夠迂迴了吧?寫了老半天,還未點入正題呢! 其實是享受著此時的閒適與清寧片刻~晨間尚未開工前的有如靜心時段~ 漫遊的心思。。。走走停停甚而全然放空,無思無我, 說是沒有喜怒哀樂,其實超越喜樂是歡欣, 這樣的歡欣非人的情緒,是靜定中的欣寧! 男歡女愛?! 這還真不好表達~我~的想法,難在 不曾嘗試行文釐清這一向為大眾所避忌的話題, 可做不要說? 應該的,也是時候說說囉, 而切入的方式,我依然從~三位一體~來談, 那是自己人生哲理的基礎,短期難以撼動。 在此~愛、金錢、性~是三位, 愛是神性面、金錢是人性面、性則為動物面。 初次的嘗試,總是粗糙而勉力。。。 我該如何依心描繪,而行文脈絡清晰? 明知自己的智障仍有千萬重,一層解除再一層, 非大智慧者,只有用最笨的方式,一道一道卸下, 心防一層又一層擺脫,於是 越來越輕鬆自在,可以飛翔? 原諒我的詞拙!想要真實傳達內在尚未整理過的這一面, 有意義卻少觸及的話題,所以 迂迴、轉折、纏繞, 男歡女愛~是性,也是愛! 因為牽涉到至少兩個靈體,於是可以複雜,也可簡單, 端視~人~之不同,而大異其趣。 一個人,已然如此難搞定,更何況是 二者啊! 男歡女愛,如能達到水乳交融則幾近於~愛~神人的光與愛! 如果純然動物式的交媾,那不過是~性~ 性愛~可以是超越人世、動物境的無邊向上永恆至愛。 也可以只是往下沈淪的動物性事一樁。 端視做者心?!而做者絕非單一個體,一方不足以決定整個過程與結果, 這協調共振靠的是雙方,可能是技術,也可以是藝術。 ~~to be continued ~~ some other time, got to work now... this is a challenging topic to talk about...it’s worthy to think and write it out. |
( 心情隨筆|男女話題 ) |