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2008/06/12 21:56:53瀏覽1800|回應11|推薦96 | |
記的女兒打越洋電話給我, 談到她的偶像 - 帕華洛帝 - 辭世時, 語音帶著哽咽..... 女兒已學了數年聲樂, 原本希望能親睹帕華洛帝的丰采, 只可惜上回錯過了 他的最後一次巡迴演唱... 爾後只能在DVD裡 瞻仰他的丰采了.... 現在女兒將她的不捨與景仰化為文字, 登在他們學校的報紙. 謹以此紀念這位不朽的傳奇人物.... (盧奇亞諾.帕華洛帝逝世於2007年9月6日, 享年71歲) ![]() Pavarotti: The Death of a Legend When
I read two weeks ago that Luciano Pavarotti, the greatest opera singer in the world, had passed away, tears watered my eyes. Although most people knew him as "the big opera guy with the scarf," he had been an inspiring idol in my life. Luciano Pavarotti started with nothing but his dreams, but by the end of his life, he had captivated thousands -- not only with his stunning voice, but with his buyont personality. Pavarotti gave opera a wider audience by working with pop stars, including U2, proving that classical and contemporary music could mesh. A humanitarian as well, he raised over $12 million at concerts raising money for various charities. More than anything, Pavarotti showered the world with his vivid personality and giving temperament. After reading his biography last summer, I had found his last concert would be in Washington DC at the price of $500 a ticket. Although there was no way I could raise the founds, I told myself that I would see hm in person some day. When I read last July that Pavarotti had developed pancreatic cancer, I hoped that he would recover quickly. Although he was discharged from the hospital after surgery, he was forced to cancel his concerts for the remainder of the year. This past August, he suffered a relapse and passed away on Thursday, September 6, 2007. Pavarotti will perhaps be remembered in many people's minds as the hugh man with the beautiful voice. But for others like me, he was an inspiration and living legned, proof that you really could survive doing what you loved. He was a mentor to all who sang, hoping that one day our voices could reach the clarity and pureness his naturally had. He was a reminder that anyone could use their fame to help others in need. Working his way up from being a baker's son in Moderna, Italy, Pavarotti became a world-class tenor. His work and voice will never be forgotten. Septmember 21, 2007 {試著將女兒的文章翻成中文} 兩週前, 聽到世界級的歌劇演唱家 - 帕華洛帝辭世的消息, 眼淚在我的眼框裡打轉著… 大部分的人對他印象最深刻的就是 “每次唱歌時, 手上拿著ㄧ條白色手帕, 身材碩壯的歌劇演唱家”, 但對我而言, 他是我生命中鼓勵我前進的超級偶像. 帕華洛帝從一個默默無名的人 卻因為懷著他的夢想, 因而征服了成千上萬人們的心靈. 他靠的不僅僅是上天賦予他的迷人聲音, 還有他那情感澎湃, 充滿生氣的品格.. 帕華洛帝為了讓歌劇能夠靠進更多的廣大群眾, 他結合了許多流行搖滾界的巨星, 更包刮了U2. 為的是證明古典音樂是可以和現代流行接上軌的. 又為世界人權組織協會的義演, 募得了一千兩百萬的美金, 受惠了許多不同單位的慈善團體. 除了他對公益活動的熱心奉獻外, 帕華洛帝更讓世人領略了他那悲天憫人, 無私奉獻的氣質. 去年(2006年)暑假閱讀完他的自傳, 發現他的最後一場演唱會將在華盛頓DC舉行, 票價是500美元. 雖然我沒辦法籌到那麼多錢, 但是我告訴自己總有一天我要親自見到他. 然而七月份得知他罹患胰腺癌的消息, 我祈禱他能早日康復. 儘管他立即入院動手術, 又傳出手術後情況良好; 但是他還是被迫取消所有的演唱會. 八月, 他與胰腺癌艱苦的抗爭著, 但終究敵不過病魔的爭纏, 於九月六日與世長辭. 帕華洛帝遺留在多數人的心中的不外是那完美無暇的歌聲. 但對其他一些像我的人而言, 他是ㄧ個不朽的生活傳奇和啟示: 證明對於我所喜愛的事, 只要努力去做還是會有成功的ㄧ天! 他是我們所有歌唱者的標的, 希望有朝一日可唱出像他那樣清新, 純淨, 充滿感情的歌聲. 他也告訴了我們, 每個人可以用自己的名譽去幫助需要幫助的人. 用他ㄧ慣對工作熱誠的態度, 帕華洛帝從義大利一個麵包師傅的兒子, 變成全世界著名的男高音. 他的歌聲和工作態度將永遠活在世人的心中. 誠如帕華洛帝說的 "如果歌聲可以令我們的世界更和平, 更美好, 我會竭盡所能的唱下去, 直到世界的各個角落...." 延伸閱讀 - 帕華洛帝的故事 - 蔣國男 http://www1.iwant-pop.com/a-d0003/?sn=a-d0003_20050623_01 |
( 心情隨筆|家庭親子 ) |