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An eye
2009/10/30 22:17:32瀏覽680|回應1|推薦19



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little turtle
A perfect eye
2009/10/31 13:20

I am a little shocked by the eye. It seems animated, and as if it looked at you.

Suddenly, an idea flashing my head, I don't know how to improve my ability of composistion;however, I consider maybe it is good for me to read your article and then, one day, I will become the some level as you~Maybe, you will say.... the day never comes

子桐(pianolover9992006) 於 2009-10-31 22:48 回覆:

Thank you for your compliment.

In reality, I don't expect that the eye would frightened you ha ha~

By the way,

if you want to make your writing ability become better,

I suggest that you should read not merely my compositions but others' as well.

One day, maybe you will grasp skills and feelings of writing.(Maybe~ha ha, just kidding!)

I spent more than three years training my ability of writing,

and so far, it has been more than eight years.

Once upon a time, I thought I had lost liking about writing,

yet I found that feelings didn't disappear at all.

It just existed in deepest position of my heart.

Never going away.

Gute Nacht.