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2011/04/19 13:09:21瀏覽2571|回應0|推薦2 | |
古希臘哲學家柏拉圖(Plato)於西元前360年在其著作《對話錄》中提到,亞特蘭提斯(Atlantis)在西元前9000年毀於一場巨大的海嘯。美國一研究團隊日前宣稱,已經在西班牙南部海岸找到傳說中沉沒於大西洋的這座城市。哈特福大學(Hartford University)教授弗羅恩德(Richard Freund)說,「這就是海嘯的力量,很難想像它能毀掉60英里的內地,但事實就是如此。」 Today on Discovery Enterprise we present the first of a two part BBC Horizon special entitled “Atlantis Uncovered” which explores the mystery of whether the civilisation of Atlantis really did exist. Was there really, twelve thousand years ago, a fabulous city whose people had already evolved all the trappings of civilisation - sophisticated culture and society, writing, astronomy, religion, monument building while everyone else was still living in the Stone Age? Ever since Plato first alluded to the mysterious city of Atlantis, destroyed in a terrible flood, the notion of an ancient, lost civilisation has been a compelling myth. The idea was revived in the nineteenth century to explain the tantalising similarities amongst different far-flung ancient cultures that had no connection with each other - why did so many ancient peoples build pyramids? Why did they write in hieroglyphs? Why was their understanding of astronomy and religion apparently so similar? The popular explanation was that Atlantis was the common source for all civilisation, that after their homeland was destroyed in a catastrophic flood, some twelve thousand years ago, the survivors of this super-race then travelled the world, spreading their knowledge to all. But if this theory is right, the whole of human history will have to be rewritten. Jacqueline Smith's film explores whether this popular, yet controversial idea could be true. It examines the mysterious similarities between ancient cultures, and traces the fascinating scientific evidence that shows why the theory of Atlantis has been rejected by mainstream science. 'You could summarise it by saying it's a load of codswallop', says Professor Colin Renfrew. Cutting edge archaeology, geophysics, chemistry, and carbon dating show that there was no single source for all civilisations - that civilisations evolved independently, in many different places, at different times throughout history. Horizon reveals compelling research that traces the true origins of these far-flung cultures, and explains the apparent coincidences that so intrigue us all.
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