親愛我已漸年老 白髮如霜銀光耀
可歎人生似朝露 青春少壯幾時好
唯你永是我愛人愛人 永遠美麗又溫存
唯你永是我愛人 永遠美麗又溫存
當你花容漸漸衰 烏漆黑髮也灰白
我心依然如當初 對你永遠親又愛
人生歲月一去不回 青春美麗誠難在
唯你永是我愛人 此情終古永不改
Darling, I am growing old,
Silver threads among the gold
Shine upon my brow today
Life is fading fast away.
But, my darling, you will be, will be
Always young and fair to me
Yes, my darling, you will be
Always young and fair to me.
When your hair is silver white
And your cheeks no longer bright
With the roses of the May
I will kiss your lips and say.
Oh! my darling, mine alone, alone
You have never older grown
Yes, my darling, mine alone
You have never older grown.
Love can never more grow old
Locks may lose their brown and gold
Cheeks may fade and hollow grow
But the hearts that love will know.
That, my darling, you will be, will be
Always young and fair to me
Yes, my darling, you will be
Always young and fair to me.