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2006/11/30 09:04:26瀏覽354|回應1|推薦8 | |
『禁止跳水!』 別的地方我不清楚,在台北地區多數泳池,『禁止跳水』絶對是最醒目的標示。 雖然練就一身功夫,可划、能游、又會跳,但去年返台,我絲毫不敢「肖想」有一展身手的機會。 還有另一個原因:泳池深度普遍不足三公尺。同時期,有個外國跳水團體到台灣巡迴,曾因適當的表演場地難尋而新聞見報。 值得一提的是:台北游泳池新興的SPA「水療」文化讓我開了眼界。每家設備各擅勝場,男女老少朝聖般地任由強力水注沖擊…嗯…任何部位,或是讓「泡泡床」的水流灌得泳裝腫脹如汽球、滑稽透頂也不以為意,為的全是…唉…我也不知道什麼療效。 好,言歸正傳。 《墾丁凱撒起義之– May I? May I?? May I???》 萬萬沒想到,與友人同遊南台灣,投宿的墾丁凱撒戶外池有兩公尺的深水區,還有跳板。更神奇的是 – 允許跳水耶! 這是真的嗎?? 蘋果阿桑不但有色無膽,還相當的怕死;準備工作包括:先到水底實地堪察水深標示是否屬實(我可不想一頭撞在池底)、再畢恭畢敬地前去小芧屋請示救生員: 「請問,可以跳水嗎?」(立正、雙手緊貼身體兩側) 救生員臉上只有兩個字:『不』和『屑』。 「跳~~啊~~」他拉長語調、用我學不來的國語台灣,愛理不理地回應:「泥會跳就跳~~啊~~」。 哼哼,哪有這種穿著夾克的救生員,真要出了什麼事你還來得及脫外套嗎?啊?啊?啊??…#@***##@@~~(消音)。 I was somehow surprised that I got a chance to try my dive at Caesar Park Hotel Kenting outdoor pool. I've never visualized myself doing this in front of friends, and a whole bunch of I-don't-know-who. But sometimes, ACTION should come before motivation. And that’s exactly what happened. 《墾丁凱撒起義之 – 這個「泥」是會跳的!》 被黝黑且惡毒的救生員羞辱之後,民婦以風雨生信心的悲壯心情,緩步踱向跳板。 深水區只有一位老伯在展示泳技,但不遠處戲水區的的男女老少,全都往這個方向看過來了。 微小的歐巴桑好整以暇地步向跳板前端,雙手由身體兩側舉向頭頂交握、深呼吸、背部略彎、曲膝、跳……。 入水後保持滑行一會兒,靈機一動調整方向,賭氣似地選在救生員正前方探出頭來;我的心情很激動,就差沒對他喊出:這個「泥」是會跳的! 以「火焰之舞」提名國際的踢踏舞王Michael Flatley,直言海德公園戶外大秀之後,他「死而無憾」。 經歷墾丁凱撒一跳,我完全可以體會「舞王」的感受! 【說文解字】這兒所謂「跳水」就是泳賽選手的入水方式,可從池邊、也可從跳板。 可別說我膨風,總不好一直稱呼這叫「入水」吧?要不然正常「入水」的泳客該怎麼描述?「進水」嗎?我還「泡水」咧! 說到「進水」我就有氣,在台北一律得從「樓梯」爬進泳池,這個恐怕又可寫它個十九篇,Don’t even get me started! 《墾丁凱撒起義之 –「點點點」而無憾》 「小姐、小姐!妳小時候就學嗎?」 哎呀呀~~可我驕傲得尾錐都翹起來了。 當下決定全天維持原裝扮進出大廳、客房、自助餐走廊;甚且大頭症地這麼想:天哪,有人索取簽名的話,該簽直的…或橫的勒? (最後決定簽橫式中英文對照) 老實說,論泳技 – 我還是哩哩啦拉,游得很不怎麼樣。加上體力超級爛,25公尺就足以讓我癱瘓在池邊。但經歷《墾丁凱撒起義》,就算一輩子再也不下水,我都無怨無悔。 耀武揚威之後的蘋果巴桑誠然心滿意足,但家中還有漢子與孩子要照顧,不能輕言犠牲。可每每在穿上圍裙老實幹活當兒想起這段「去年勇」,小口小口地反芻品嚐,就超過癮 -- 說真的,還實在是有夠「點點點」而無憾呢! I was scared, but it was the GOOD SCARE. I noticed people notice me. And I was sure I noticed the life guard noticing my diving attempt, as well as his trying not be noticed by my noticing. Do you get my drift? There was no way to un-notice me at that very moment. The fact is: you don't get see too many middle-aged women try the diving anywhere in the world I stepped toward the diving board like walking the plank of a pirate ship. Before I knew, I was standing at the edge. There was noise all around, but I couldn't quite make out what people were chanting about. It was kind of like going underwater. You know, like when the sound changes and you're weightless. Only that I haven't gotten into the water YET. I took my time Raised my arms from both sides Hands held tight together above my head with biceps just beside my ears Slowly but surly, deep breath, back slightly arched, knees bent… Leap Suddenly I was as hot as a torch at the pool side. I lost count about how many dives I did later on, each time is easier than the one before. NONE can top the trill surging through the body at my first dive. Can't deny that I'm still a mediocre swimmer, but I did have my moment to shine. It was like retired at my prime. A whole year went by I'm still re-juicing the joy. As for the compliments from strangers and the cheering crowd in that sun shining morning, that's just the gravy from it. 《December 1963 - Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons 》 Oh, what a night, late December back in '63 What a very special time for me As I remember what a night! Oh what a night, You know I didn't even know her name But I was never gonna be the same What a lady, what a night! Oh, I got a funny feeling when she walked in the room And I, as I recall it ended much too soon (Oh what a night), Hypnotizing, mesmerizing me She was everything I dreamed she'd be Sweet surrender, what a night! I felt a rush like a rolling bolt of thunder Straining my head around and taking my body under (Oh what a night!) Oh, I got a funny feeling when she walked in the room And I, as I recall it ended much too soon Oh what a night! Doo dit doo dit dit doo dit doo dit dit Oh what a night! Doo dit doo dit dit doo dit doo dit dit Oh what a night! Doo dit doo dit dit doo dit doo dit dit Oh what a night! Doo dit doo dit dit doo dit doo dit dit Oh what a night, Why'd it take so long to see the light? Seemed so wrong, but now it seems so right What a lady, what a night! I felt a rush like a rolling bolt of thunder Straining my head around and taking my body under (Oh what a night!) I felt a rush like a rolling bolt of thunder Straining my head around and taking my body under Oh what a night! Doo dit doo dit dit doo dit doo dit dit Oh what a night! Doo dit doo dit dit doo dit doo dit dit Oh what a night! Doo dit doo dit dit doo dit doo dit dit Oh what a night! Doo dit doo dit dit doo dit doo dit dit |
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