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《Let's Yahoo! Let's Match! –前》
2006/11/27 06:51:17瀏覽312|回應1|推薦5


Who would have thought that I would EVER show up here at Yahoo Match? Let alone became a so called VIP. Even I myself was totally floored!

Time here can be calculated as DOG YEAR, which is 7 times we Homo Sapiens's.

Now I've spend approximately 6 months here, can't say that I learned a lot, but I do see more than I expected.



在這一年當七年用的網路世界 – 尤其是交友版,往往是禮物收送之間就一翻兩瞪眼,對我這種古版型的乖乖女 …嗯…阿桑…而言,總有還沒投球就被對方以自備球打擊出去的感覺。

*我發誓只寫上中下, 超過請鞭打我*


They say American High School life is brutal; the unseen level of popularity and peer pressure could push you to the edge.

I think Yahoo! Match is somehow like a snobbish high school campus:

Those medium popular won't mix with less-than-medium-popular. If the nerd ever dare to sit with the ultra-mega-popular at lunch, that could destroy the universe.

You might experience a massive popularity boost if you HANG with the right people.

Aside from that, here at Yahoo! they even put the popularity scale into bloody numbers.






They keep telling you: Everything will be JUST FINE once you go to college.
I'm not so sure.
Aren't all college kids from HIGH SCHOOL?

And exactly where is college?
Is BLOG college?



網路四年,誠可以計算狗狗年紀的方法 - 乘以七換算,其間生態的改換瞬息萬變猶不足以形容;在實際生活中,小六學生都可能上高一了。




《Aqua – Cartoon Hero》

We are what we're supposed to be
Illusions of your fantasy
All dots and lines that speak and say
What we do is what you wish to do

We are the color symphony
We do the things you wanna see
Frame by frame, to the extreme

Our friends are so unreasonable
They do the unpredictable
All dots lines that speak and say
What we do is what you wish to do

It's all an orchestra of strings
Doin' unbelievable things
Frame by frame, to the extreme
One by one, we're makin' it fun

We are the Cartoon Heroes - oh-oh-oh
We are the ones who're gonna last forever
We came out of a crazy mind - oh-oh-oh
And walked out on a piece of paper

Here comes Spiderman, arachnophobian
Welcome to the toon town party
Here comes Superman, from never-neverland
Welcome to the toon town party

We learned to run at speed of light
And to fall down from any height
It's true, but just remember that
What we do is what you just can't do

And all the worlds of craziness
A bunch of stars that's chasing us
Frame by frame, to the extreme
One by one, we're makin' it fun

We are the Cartoon Heroes - oh-oh-oh
We are the ones who're gonna last forever
We came out of a crazy mind - oh-oh-oh
And walked out on a piece of paper

Here comes Spiderman, arachnophobian
Welcome to the toon town party
Here comes Superman, from never-neverland
Welcome to the toon town party

You think we're so mysterious
Don't take us all too serious
Be original, and remember that
What we do is what you just can't do

What we do is what you just can't do
What we do is what you just can't do
What we do is what you just can't do
What we do is what you just can't do

We are the Cartoon Heroes - oh-oh-oh
We are the ones who're gonna last forever
We came out of a crazy mind - oh-oh-oh
And walked out on a piece of paper

There's still more to come
And everyone will be
Welcomed at the
Toon - Toon
Town - Town

( 創作散文 )
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feel it! feel it!
2006/11/27 06:52

indeed 在奇摩, what we do is what you/we wish to do
what we do is just what you/we can't do

isn't it?

feel it! feel it!


《Hello Polo – 1 & 2》
《Hello Polo – 3 & 4》
《Hello Polo - 5 & 6 & 7》