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2 months already...
2011/04/28 17:54:32瀏覽441|回應0|推薦1

I've been Monol for 2 months already since I came here. I met a cute and kind girl, who is my first close Korean friend in my life, in my room. But she was leaving on Tue morning(26 Apr). To be honest, I was very sad and crying in that time because I know we are hardly to see each other when she leave. Even though we only know each other just for 2 months, we already became very close. So we have a deal that she or me will try our best to go to Korea or Taipei in near future.

I miss her a lot. it seems like she still sit opposite me in our room when I study my book at night.

Monol's live is a very good experence for me because this is my first time to leave my family, I think my family and I, both of us, need to learn how to grow up, especially my mother.

I miss my friends, my family and clem. Hope everything is good for you guys!

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