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用英文介紹我最喜愛的電影 IN ECD class
2011/05/02 01:16:56瀏覽1697|回應0|推薦1

ECD level 6有一單元正在上課,老師問大家,你最喜歡的小說或電影,是哪一部?


E:The god of cookery!!!!

T:Please tell us about this movie!


My favorite movies is THE GOD OF COOKERY

Steven Chou is a man who is a cheif of chef, but one day, someone plot against him, and he suddenly fall dwon and send to the prison because he sold illegal beefs.

When he left prison, he swear that he will go to Chinese Kitchen Academy to become the greatest chef then come back, also he want to those people, who plot against him, pay back to him.

After that, he join the god of cookery's competition, but the umpire is not fair. so Steven Chou realized that everyone can become greatest chef if you are diligent in it.
Suddenly, the REALLY god of food show up!!! and said: the god of food of human, you can come back. and then the god of food give those bad people punishment.


( 知識學習語言 )
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