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2015/06/28 14:38:16瀏覽396|回應0|推薦13
Rhapsody on movie themes

忙活了一陣,昨晚去電影院看 3D Jurassic World,放鬆一下。片子雖無張力,還算有娛樂效果,但模仿1993年 Jurassic Park 的痕跡實在太太太明顯了。暮色中開車返家,恐龍食人的畫面仍跳躍腦海,開大音量聽歌劇詠嘆調,如大啖牛排後吃冰淇淋,甚樂。

記得當初很迷 Michael Crichton(想不到此人亦已作古),Jurassic Park 小說自然翻得爛熟,因此看到原著改編的電影,不免有凌遲之感。但史匹柏安排懸疑製造驚悚的獨到用心,就電影藝術而言,鮮有其匹。有誰能忘記恐龍腳印中水波的微微顫動呢?最大的恐懼特效乃訴諸想像,不僅靠猙獰的面具。


I thought it was just a walk in the Park, 
Oh, but dear, it is already a world, a Jurassic World.
In the Remains of the Day
I shall ponder upon A Loss of Innocence
And look for stars, to Trek Into Darkness.

The Lord of the Rings rises
from a River Wild.
Who is to draft the Schindler's List,
I scream, 
to Save a mere Private named Ryan?

Oh do I still deserve a dream, of
A Few Good Men, and
A Beautiful Mind?
Or perhaps the Last Samurai has been slain,
all that we fight for are Hunger Games?

Even the Wizard of Oz can't fix Modern Times
That's why Birdman must murmur
The Apocalypse Now.
As to where the Grapes of Wrath are grown,
it is strictly L.A. Confidential.

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