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2008/06/12 08:46:12瀏覽883|回應9|推薦27



坐飛機呢?如果他是億萬富豪,坐超音速(兩馬赫)的 Concorde, 連續50年天天繞著地球轉,也不過比地上呆在電視前的懶蟲年輕 0.004 秒。

那麼,乘坐接近光速的太空船吧?理論上可行。如果以人體習慣的重力加速度(9.98 m/sec2)加速到光速的 99.9%,在無重狀態下玩耍幾個月,然後減速,折返。這樣遨遊一趟,可以造訪 50 光年之外的星際。回家時他老了15 歲,而地上已歷 100 年,可是他並沒多活一天。舉目無親無家可歸的他,被當成明星招待、環遊世界八十天;之後被大學請去進行口述歷史訪談。未來世界的新鮮感漸漸淡去,活化石的日子真正難熬;沮喪的他再次搭上一艘太空船,心想:下次回來,地球不知變成什麼樣子?一失足成千古恨,再回首已百年身 - 望著黑漆漆的太空,他苦澀的咀嚼這句古話的新意。


當天晚上他做了個夢。夢中的他是一顆光子,輕快的航行,永遠年輕,可是周圍的一切卻逐漸老去。他繞著地球閃電般的轉,眼看它海枯石爛,滴水不存;眼看它被膨脹的太陽吞噬,灰飛煙滅;眼看太陽也衰老,倖存的行星一個個棄它而去。傷心的他和僅餘一顆白矮星的家鄉告別,甩甩頭,馳向星際。又不知過了幾世幾劫,星塵銀河也都老去,只有他這顆孤獨的光子,形單影隻的劃過漆黑沉寂的宇宙。他絕望莫名,被靜止的時間鎖住,無能為力。這時候,他聽到一個溫柔的聲音。「你現在知道我多孤獨了。」那聲音說。"Let there be light! " 那聲音堅定的喊。剎那間,無數光子湧現,在他周圍欣然飛舞 ...


( 創作小說 )
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Being a photon.......
2008/07/31 03:28

Being a photon while reading your article, in that one nanosecond I was almost able to touch the loneliness of being the One, one that is “the Alpha and the Omega”, and is “who is, who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.”

普希金 酷不停囉
You want the truce, you can not handle the truce
2008/06/18 16:17

Just playing some twisted punchlines from "A Few Goofy Men"

We are totally irrelevant to the "The Ecstasy of Elevetor"

Our bad... let's move out.

By the way, 3cc should say "哀家沒聽過"  'cause in 1904 it's an empress who ruled the Great but extremely embarrassed China

北橋客(northbridge) 於 2008-06-18 22:22 回覆:
Oh no, not that old curse. She has absolutely no place in my anachronic imagination.

You don't say...
2008/06/18 10:25
CW my dear old chap, Can't (Kunt) say I really understand what all that fuss was about. But we should cool it; you and I have absolutely no reason to fight on Chicken's teritory the way Russia and Japan did over Manchuria back in '04. That is, 1904 for your reference since I alone appear to be the one person who still lived in Victorian age. And as for Chicken, didn't have your 'Willie Willie Harry Stee' memorized, did you? What an awful child, insufferably awful indeed.
北橋客(northbridge) 於 2008-06-18 13:36 回覆:
英吉利藩的三字經嗎?嗯,朕沒聽過 ...

普希金 酷不停囉
What ?!
2008/06/17 06:31


Strange it may seem...

Arthur did not know he is Arthur to start with...

北橋客(northbridge) 於 2008-06-18 03:44 回覆:
I'm good. It is all Arthur's fault.

2008/06/14 04:29

Don't know who James Charles Stuart is? Of all people, I thought you knowest the best.

北橋客(northbridge) 於 2008-06-14 05:52 回覆:
Dear Arthur,

Oh, that King James. It is Stuart that throws me off track; no I did not know his full name until now. A quite embarrassing moment for me, but perhaps a pardonable one considering I'm not a loyal subject of the throne of England. It is partly you fault at any rate: Why didn't you just say King James? What's the problem with paying a little respect to the king?

And no, he did not author the original script. Eligible for nomination for the best adapted script though :-)

2008/06/14 01:26



北橋客(northbridge) 於 2008-06-14 06:01 回覆:
還是 Celtics 贏球比較好。波士頓的三冠王:紅襪,愛國者,塞爾特人 ... 就缺這一個

普希金 酷不停囉
2008/06/13 22:58
不就是時間嗎 ? 可能關連性過於隱晦喔
北橋客(northbridge) 於 2008-06-14 06:52 回覆:
此人的夢非關因果。"似是而非的因果律" - 留給另一個夢吧。

普希金 酷不停囉
2008/06/13 14:28

剛出差回來 本來挺累的 喜見北橋此文有輕靈之勢 讀完更覺自己是個光子 疲累畢消


光子醒來 發現它不由自主的竟巡迴遊走於峰谷之間 原來是一個老人在抖動繩索造成了這些峰谷  它遊目四顧 發現它只是整個波動中的一個機率函數  脫離了抖動 它只是一個假設的存在  它的行進造成了整個宇宙似是而非的因果律 它的波濤卻和同步律時常起衝突 碎型水花於焉而生 大小宇宙得而建構 說時遲那時快 它被衝力打昏了 ....

再醒來時 已是早晨 ...

北橋客(northbridge) 於 2008-06-13 17:07 回覆:

2008/06/13 12:10

Which author should we hand the best original script award to, James Charles Stuart or Issac Asimov? Sorry I am in such a bad mood; Lakers just blew a 24 points lead and gone with them to the toilet was the six month of time I wasted in front of my TV. ^&%^&%$#^#$^  Lakers. 

北橋客(northbridge) 於 2008-06-13 17:00 回覆:
Delighted to see your response.

I dozed off in sofa after dinner and woke up at 3:30 AM to find out I just missed the biggest comeback in NBA since records were kep in 1971. As mysterious as the event was, and as superstitious as I could become when things like that happened, my complete ignorance of a final game being played in a dreamless night of mine must have helped catapulting Celtics to that historic moment.

I must have been influenced by Asimov since I read many of his novels. And whoever has watched Star Trek or the like knows what I wrote about is nothing new. However it does not diminish the fun of adding a personal twist to it. (I even made a crude calculator to come up the numbers). Besides, the part of traveling like an ageless photon was a fresh thought to me, though it could have been elaborated more expertly in other works unknown to me.

The part of "Let there be light" was indeed inspired by an Asimov's one-page short story, where a supercomputer was all is left in an otherwise empty universe. After having been contemplating the big question for eons, one day a thought dawned on it and it uttered the famous phrase.

Who is this Stuart guy? Not a sci-fi writer as far I know.