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自然法則 -- Law of Nature
2006/09/24 16:41:25瀏覽1337|回應4|推薦44



I agreed that the nature selection and evolutionism continued to influence the modern science.  By mentioning law of nature I had no intention to neglect the scientific research and its contribution.  However, when the scientific discussion touched upon life, life and death, and the livelihood (生命、生死、生活), religious philosophy would quickly creep into the thought.  An obvious reason for such connection is that those topics are the main focus of all religions.

As soon as a discussion of any subjects begins, it depends entirely on communication skills whether through spoken, written or sign languages, symbols, mathematical functions, and so on.  All these communication methods have their own limit.   The language barrier among people from different part of the world could further hinder the discussion.

Many parents faced the same endless question from their children, such as “Where did I (you, grandpa, grandma, great grandpa…) come from?”   Even grown-ups have the same doubt.  How did the first human being appear on earth?  Which one comes to existence first, egg or chicken?  If we can answer these kinds of questions by saying there was a mighty creator who created everything, the scientist would have a lot less job to research about.  Not only some Christian believe in this kind of saying, I also heard some scientists who were amazed by the wonder of the universe also believe that only God has such power to create it.  Had someone dare to ask “If everything needs to be created, then, who created the creator?” he is very likely been regarded as a blasphemous renegade.

I am not a scientist; so I am not sure if there is a specific definition for the word Nature when it is referred to Nature Selection. However, the law of nature that I mentioned earlier was nothing more than what is defined in the Webster’s Dictionary which says ”the essential characters of a thing, quality or qualities that make something what it is, essence”.   This law of nature is always there that is no need to be created.  For example: the water freezes when the temperature drops and vapors when it is heated.  Scientists do various research to discover all kind of reasons for the phenomena which were once unknown to human being.  And there are many more to be discovered.

When discussion focused on nature selection, evolutionism, and creationism, I would prefer to go with a scientific way of explanation.  Just like the scientist took what is exist and looking backward to find the reason for such existence, Buddhism traced backward to find how things came about like the way it really is.  The resulting finding is called dependent origination, which forms the basics of all Buddha Dharma.

Dependent origination is a fundamental Buddhist doctrine of the interdependence of things.   All beings and phenomena exist or occur only because of their relationship with other beings or phenomena.  Therefore, nothing can exist in absolute independent of other things, or arise of its own accord.  Since all things in the phenomenal world are brought into being by the combination of various causes and conditions, they are relative and without substantiality or self entity. 

( 心情隨筆雜記 )
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2006/09/25 09:04 【輕留軒之禕文系列】 常存質疑心


how about
2007/01/13 08:39
Would you allow me to ask your opinion of survival of the fittest  ?

2006/10/04 08:37



2006/09/27 16:13

稻柏臨:多謝汝毋甘嫌啦。Pluto 佮 Dark Matter 既兩項齣頭,阮捌置咧報紙上普普仔讀過,毋擱無詳細去了解。


深居竹廬 . 靜聽清流

2006/09/25 08:57
  • 在美國發射到冥王星的火箭昇空沒幾個月,  冥王星已被排除在行星的行列(現在只能稱"八"大行星) 但是, 探討冥王星的意義仍然很大. 畢竟, 被公認為是未成熟行星的冥王星, 也許可以解釋行星形成的一些謎團.
  • 標準模型中認為的原子只占了宇宙的百分之四(有理論認為只有百分之二) 其他是黑物質(百分之二十五),與黑能量(占了宇宙的百分之七十五).
舉這個例子, 並不是要証明什麼. 學物理的人對大多的事物, 都必須存有質疑的心態, 若黑物質與黑能量的存在能得到更多證據的支持, 牛頓的"萬有引力"可能被挑戰.

因此, 許多人開玩笑說: "一切的真理都僅僅是某些人為方便解釋一些特定現象而導出的,牛頓也不例外."