【輕歌 Quiet Song】 引用【月影】【輕歌】
星光燦爛輕車行 Lonely car running beneath the twinkling stars
夜闌微風馨 Velvety air, blowing over the nightingale
長空為誰奏合鳴 Who and where, playing the double there
紅塵但遇知音 Serendipity is blessing the lucky pair
不再飄零 Hey, no more drifting nightmare
纏綿幽夢影 Realizing the sweet dream with the snuggling loveliness
星辰誓盟憑 Taking the vow with the milky way as the witness
遠山嵐煙迴繞 Soothing on the encompassing misty mountain
月下花間醉飲 Drunken under the moonlight flowers garden
山川江海鏤癡名 Engraving our intoxicated love on any mountain
灑遍一地春華 Spreading our lovely joys everywhere
南國景秀如畫 Caressing the scenery in the south beach air
莫問濤聲猶笑我 Don’t ask why the wave’s pounding with a laughter
夢中呢喃 Murmuring in my dream
天涯比翼 Bonding forever, I deem
不悔青絲變白髮 No more regret for no evergreen
共今宵長夜風清 Wishing the everlasting love kept alive
深情總凝眸相映 Love reflecting our perfect match in the both eyes
戀戀兩心同吟 Bonding two hearts together is our wish for the virtual life
且歌 且輕 Let’s sing, hum it light and sing it quiet! At least for tonight!
Inspired by【 anybody~ 】【《頭文字D 》】
【 Somewhere In Time 】