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2006/11/08 10:14:38瀏覽402|回應0|推薦1

我們常說兒不嫌母醜, 犬不厭家貧.
但如果真能重來一次, 讓你選擇出身.
是選能開JAGUAR的陳家, 駕PORSCHE的連家.
還是「一簞食,一瓢飲,在陋巷,人不堪其憂,回也不改其樂。 」的陳青天家.
註: 國人常唸錯, JAGUAR J--桂掛兒 [3字發1音 為法式英語], 非家尬;
波-謝兒 [2字發1音 為德式英語], 非波-戲.

是要嫁給有人送百達翡麗Patek Philippe 與伯爵PIAGET名錶的陳致中家,
還是堅持涓滴歸公, 一介不取, 自己苦哈哈的陳仁杰家.

出生是天命, 交朋友總可以自由心證吧.
是要交與其出門, 百官對其趨炎附勢, 眾將向其屈膝哈腰的陳致中;
還是徒具盛名, 無法幫你逢人說項, 玉成其事的陳仁杰.
年輕時, 對台灣這片生於斯, 長於斯, 亦將終於斯之鄉土,
滿腔熱血, 滿懷豪情.
嚐遍人情澆薄, 看盡炎涼世態.
浮雲朝露, 白雲蒼狗.
俯仰之間, 已為陳迹.
人生到此, 天道寧論.
對任何事務, 已無法作出正確判斷.

Taiwan President Rips Prosecutors

The Associated Press
Tuesday, November 7, 2006; 9:39 AM  

TAIPEI, Taiwan -- Taiwan President Chen Shui-bian said Tuesday that prosecutors who have indicted his wife on embezzlement charges are unfairly making links between a secret diplomatic fund and corruption, saying none of the money "entered private pockets."

Chen's comments came as Taiwanese lawmakers voted to put a measure calling for a referendum to oust the president onto the legislative calendar. A vote on the recall motion was expected later this month.

The new attempt to topple the president threatened to prolong the political squabbling and uncertainty that have gripped one of Asia's youngest democracies for the past six months.

Chen chided prosecutors for asserting that his failure to produce receipts to back up expenditures for a fund used to sustain Taiwanese diplomatic work abroad was illegal.

The fund was at the heart of a three-month long corruption probe involving Chen, his wife, and three former aides of the president.

"To link the funds for secret diplomatic work directly with corruption is really unfair," Chen told a group of overseas Chinese in Taipei. "All the funds were used for state affairs, not one dollar entered private pockets."

On Friday prosecutors indicted Chen's wife on charges of embezzlement in connection with the fund, and said Chen could face indictment once he leaves office. Chen enjoys immunity while he remains at this post. His second four-year term ends in 18 months.

The president tried to rally his supporters on Sunday with a televised address saying that he and his wife were innocent. He said any irregularities in his spending or expenses were due to the confusing and often conflicting regulations for the diplomacy fund.

Chen also pledged to resign if his wife was convicted, and he promised not to appeal any decision.

On Tuesday, Hou Tsai-feng, a lawmaker from the opposition Nationalist Party, acknowledged that recalling the president was a long shot, given Chen's support in the legislature.

"Because recent newspaper polls show over 51 percent want Chen to step down, as an opposition party it's our duty to propose the recall motion, even though it is unlikely to pass," she said.

The biggest question now was whether Chen's Democratic Progressive Party would continue supporting him. Some ruling party lawmakers have been grumbling about the ongoing crisis. They might be tempted to defect in favor of the recall bid.

The president has been under heavy pressure for the past six months over a series of corruption scandals involving his wife and inner circle. Previous opposition sponsored recall motions against him failed in June and again last month.


( 心情隨筆雜記 )
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