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2009/06/27 07:45:46瀏覽3306|回應28|推薦222 | |
魁北克市是魁北克省的省會.魁北克省就是喜歡吵著要獨立的法語省. Québec was founded by the French explorer Champlain in the early 17th century. It is the only North American city to have preserved its ramparts, together with the numerous bastions, gates and defensive works which still surround Old Québec. The Upper Town, built on the cliff, has remained the religious and administrative centre, with its churches, convents and other monuments like the Dauphine Redoubt, the Citadel and Château Frontenac. Together with the Lower Town and its ancient districts, it forms an urban ensemble which is one of the best examples of a fortified colonial city. 魁北克市保有北美惟一的古城牆.是聯合國世界文化遺產. 樹上是什麼 好像舊金山的某地方 看出來那邊是真的,那邊是畫的嗎? 行動不便和懶人的好車. 我們吃晚餐的餐廳 街頭藝人 郵局 Saint-Louis Forts and Chateaux, 旅館旁的考古遺址. 風好大,也走不動了. 自由選擇的浪漫法國餐(導遊用語).專賣觀光客.所有價格已包小費. 龍蝦 羊排 鴨腿. |
( 休閒生活|旅人手札 ) |