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2011/06/03 01:11:51瀏覽292|回應0|推薦11 | |
Just do whatsoever is pleasant – pleasant to you and pleasant to your surroundings. Just do something which brings a song to you and creates a rhythm around you of celebration. This life I call a religious life. It has no principles, it has no discipline, it has no laws. It has only one, single approach – and that is, live intelligently. -Osho 儘管去做任何愉悅的事-- 愉悅地對待你(自己)和愉悅地對待你周遭的事務。 儘管去做一些帶給你歌聲的事 並且創造出慶祝的韻律環繞你。 這種生活,我稱它是宗教性的生活。 它沒有規範, 它沒有修練, 它沒有法律。 它只有一個, 唯一的方法--即是明智地生活。 -奧修 |
( 心情隨筆|心靈 ) |