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2018/12/25 14:54:49瀏覽2666|回應2|推薦38 | |
第一次聽到這首歌時,歌詞很動人,真心喜歡那份溫馨曖昧的感覺,心有酸酸的.... 不管是因為什麼理由分手,當再一次見到對方時,有禮貌的邀請對方喝杯小酒,話話分手後的近況,該怎麼問呢?工作還好嗎?你爸好嗎?你媽好嗎?朋友好嗎?你家狗好嗎?魚呢?貓還在嗎?鳥飛了沒?就是沒敢問重點,想必最想問的答案是,妳過的好嗎?妳老公做甚麼的?他對妳好嗎?幾個孩子了?唉......可以聊一整晚是絕對沒問題的。 當年男的出國讀書,女的變心,但也不能說變心,是因為女的提出分手多次不成,女的老心軟,這次男的不在身邊,順利成章的找到分手的機會,第一任的呆板無趣,讓第二任的風趣幽默,女的著實的認為,在一起很開心,應該是可以生活一輩子,其他困難沒有甚麼不能克服,即便父母極力反對! 現在女的想起第一任的認真努力,即便呆板了點,但是其對家庭觀念,有著強烈的責任感,父母也是知書達禮之人,當年女的都想過這些,現在看看身邊的老公對生活,對未來,對教育都不在同一個價值觀裡,女的活的很累,真的印證一句“巴啾勾丟剌啊爸”。 女的常想,當初兩個二選一,第一任從加拿大一個禮拜飛奔回來求復合,帶著生平沒看過的好大的一束花,跑到家門口想給女的一個surprise,第二任則半夜跑到家門口非要見女的一面不可,求女的想想在一起的快樂甜蜜,請女的不要又心軟了,女的很為難,現在想來,女的最後悔的是..... 為什麼不找第三任!!! 女的嫁給了愛情,卻落得生活不快樂,la la land裡的女主角最後選擇事業,生活平順,眼神裡卻沒有了活力,見到前男友在自己的夢想裡彈著鋼琴,所有的回憶全部回來了,而生活裡的男主人也全部替換成前男友,現實裡只能在腦子中做做夢,時光如果能倒流該多好,誰也永遠無法知道若選擇另一條路,會是更好嗎?還是更壞? 向前看吧!歲月的焠礪打磨,彼此早已不是從前的那個人了,生命軀殼有限,靈性永恆無限,感謝師父上帝,讓我打出一副好牌吧! 【Same Old Lang Syne】 情景依舊/Dan Fogelberg: Met my old lover in the grocery store 在雜貨店遇見了我的舊情人 The snow was falling Christmas Eve 那是下著雪的耶誕夜 I stole behind her in the frozen foods 我在冷凍食品區悄悄走到她背後 And I touched her on the sleeve 碰了一下她的袖子 She didnt recognize the face at first 起初她沒認出我來 But then her eyes flew open wide 但接著她突然睜大眼睛 She went to hug me and she spilled her purse 過來擁抱我,她的錢包灑落下來 And we laughed until we cried 我們大笑,直到淚水滑落 We took her groceries to the checkout stand 我們把她買的東西拿到櫃檯 The food was totalled up and bagged 食物都被裝好結帳 We stood there lost in our embarrassment 我們楞在那兒,氣氛尷尬 As the conversation dragged 就這樣有一搭沒一搭的談著 We went to have ourselves a drink or two 於是想找個地方喝兩杯 But couldnt find an open bar 卻找不到半家還在營業的酒吧 We bought a six-pack at the liquor store 我們買了半打啤酒 And we drank it in her car 在她車上喝了起來 We drank a toast to innocence 我們舉杯敬過去的純真 We drank a toast to now 我們舉杯敬現在 And tried to reach beyond the emptiness 我們努力想要越過那段空白 But neither one knew how 卻不知如何連結 She said shed married her an architect 她說她嫁給了一個建築師 Who kept her warm and safe and dry 她的生活飽暖無虞 She would have liked to say she loved the man 她很想說自己很愛那個男人 But she didnt like to lie 但是她不想說謊 I said the years had been a friend to her 我說歲月很善待她 And that her eyes were still as blue 迷人的雙眼湛藍如昔 But in those eyes I wasnt sure if I saw 但在那雙眼裡,我不確定看到的 Doubt or gratitude 到底是懷疑還是感激 She said she saw me in the record stores 她說她在唱片行裡看過我(的唱片) And that I must be doing well 說我八成過得不錯 I said the audience was heavenly 我說聽眾都很棒 But the traveling was hell 但旅途奔波卻很痛苦 We drank a toast to innocence 我們舉杯敬過去的純真 We drank a toast to now 我們舉杯敬現在 And tried to reach beyond the emptiness 我們努力想要越過那段空白 But neither one knew how 卻不知如何連結 We drank a toast to innocence 我們敬天真無邪 We drank a toast to time 為時光荏苒乾杯 Reliving in our eloquence 我們在侃侃而談之中再次渡過 Another auld lang syne... 另一首驪歌... The beer was empty and our tongues were tired 啤酒喝完了,話也說到累了 And running out of things to say 能聊的都聊了 She gave a kiss to me as I got out 我下車時她輕吻我 And I watched her drive away 我看著她開車離去 Just for a moment I was back at school 那一刻我彷彿又回到了學生時代 And felt that old familiar pain 再度感受到那熟悉的舊傷痛 And as I turned to make my way back home 當我轉身踏上回家的路 The snow turned into rain 雪開始融化成雨 |
( 心情隨筆|男女話題 ) |