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To Pepsi:Requesting for PepVi mixed drinks
2010/04/21 00:57:58瀏覽680|回應0|推薦16

Dear Sirs,

I used to be a Pepsi lover. After I learn that Pepsi
regular consists too much sugar I drop out the habit
of drinking it.
Recently I am having V8 every day to add the intake
of vegetable. I found that V8 is manufactured too
thick and I do not like the taste. As a result, I pull in
half-cup V8 and add another half diet Pepsi. You know
what? it tastes wonderful. On top of that, the half-v8
half-diet Pepsi does agree with my stomach and I do
not feel uncomfortable and cause the gas in my system.
It is suggested, in my humble opinion, that your good
company produce a New drink under the name of
Pep-vi which contents 50% vegetable juice and 50%
diet Pepsi as daily drinks. It is good for health and good
new marketing in this field. I will certainly buy few cases
for my family consumption.
Sincerely Yours
Michael Han

A reply from Pepsi

Dear Michael,

Thank you for taking the time to email us at Pepsi-Cola. We always
enjoy hearing from a true fan of our products.

We're sincerely complimented that you thought to offer us your concept.
Unfortunately, we can neither accept nor consider ideas from outside the company.

Pepsi receives many ideas from the public, ideas that often mirror or closely
resemble ones we're working on or ones we've used before. In the past, as you
can imagine, this has caused confusion as to the ownership of these ideas,
leading us to adopt a strict policy of not accepting any concepts from outside
the company. I hope you can understand.

We do appreciate your thoughtfulness in offering to share your idea with us.
Thank you again for writing and best wishes for all your endeavors.


Margaret Corsi
Consumer Relations Representative


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