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Digests of my blog contributed CT
2006/03/07 10:42:38瀏覽533|回應0|推薦0

"Long live Freedom of Speech"

Very impressed with the pro and con with regards to the responses to Mr. Wang’s daring article.
Some using indecent wording and other unpleasant language (usually not tolerated in Chinese communitst region), they are all tolerated by China times without censor.
Those opinions, whether you like or not are all in the scope of "Freedom of Speech" protected under the 1st amendment of U.S. Constitutions.
Particularly true is that the public figure all are under people’s scrutiny for which people of Taiwan, ROC has the right to question.
Mr. Wang has all the right to say what he wants to say.
At least I feel China time is better than other media that becomes government watch dog and censor all the material you submitted to the news paper or published in their web blog..
We all do not want a controlled media just censor what people are saying. That makes no difference with Mainland China.

We do not need a dictator to revive the system inTaiwan

Long live Freedom of Fear!

Long live Freedom of Speech!

"Other side of coin" regarding 228 fairness.

For those who pointed finger to others, please take a moment to answer this question.
Is there a perfect place to live in the world?
Ms. Pan has all the right to preach whatever she thinks is proper and fair in her mind.
If there is unfair treatment you or your relative experienced, let them ask me.
I am qualified to tell all my own experiences to the suffering of my heart.
My father was a communist martyr who was captured by KMT during 1934 before I was
born. According to my mother, he was tortured and died in jail due to the complication unknown
illness. I did not go all the way to demand a justice from KMT. That was a part of history and
mishandling of the cases.
Then I followed the military to retreat to Taiwan and served 20 years and 75 days.
The military system was not perfect at that time. However, when I wrote a letter to President
Chen in 2002 requesting a pension and back pay I had worked and deserved for my golden years served in (A copy is kept in this file of blog) 

military, the request was rejected on the ground of old regulation. That was under DPP ruling up
to now.
Friends, just tell me where is the justice? You think that DPP continues ruling will give us a better life? Forget it. Let us face it. The politician only think how to obtain a power. Once they have power they forget all those people who elected him. Wake up friends. DPP and KMT are all the same. You have to live your own life.

Let us keep finger crossed and hope we will have a better man in the next president election.

After all, your life is all depending on your self.

Don't be demanding on an individual who has no power or influence.

( 時事評論政治 )
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