thanks for your quick reply.
I talk to Prof. He had the same thinking as Daniel. Regarding HB article, if I really want to publish it would be only good in Taiwan or China.
I can imagine that 40 years ago I did the same work translating English to Chinese and published in United Daily and Central Daily. That were not fun just to make few bulks for my self. I understand that.
Appreciated very much. In fact, publish or not is not big deal. I just want to let my mind working and keep it busy.
Pretty soon motel season starts. I do not think that I have time to do the blog.
Thank you again.
P.S. May be student of this blog viewer would be interested.
Thanks for your email. I am glad to hear that you are thinking of publishing your articles into a book. I hope the professor will give you good advice and assistance to materialize your thinking.
As to your idea to let me do the translation and approach a publisher here, I do appreciate your goodwill. However, I regret to say that I am not the right person to do these. Although I did translate some books to help raise my family when I was young, I no longer do this kind of ¡§tough¡¨ job after my retirement. Besides, I am not familiar with anyone in this field, who should be able to handle not only the printing, but also the selling after the book is published.
Thanks to your introduction, nowadays I read some other articles written by various writers in the web cities. It is indeed a good way of sharing your emotion, experience, and philosophy¡Kwith people whom you do not know.
Keep writing as you have the ability and inspiration.