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The tragedy with 貧扁married富珍 ending with endless scandal.
2008/05/24 01:58:11瀏覽716|回應1|推薦8

In our conversation with Jr. during the last visit, we casually touched
 his "Date" if any.
"Well, yes or no. my co-worker introduced a girl from a very rich
"Go on..... what next" we both anxiously would like to know the result.
After all, he is over 34 and still does not have a steady. We know that
in this generation we can not push too much. Since he is very
open-minded, we do not try to hide our feeling of anxiety with
a hope to have a family.
"I had a date and  dined with her in a restaurant...."
"Then I decided not to continue the relationship."
"Awanai, the life style does not fit."
"For what reason?....."
"She ordered a bottle of wine, ...."
"Wine is good and romantic, what's wrong with that?"
"I looked at the menu, it would cost me Yen 50,000($500) a bottle,
I asked why she choose the expensive bottle? You know what she
said to me? She said that was same brand of wine she has had in
her family for years."
We both laughed loudly , $500 a bottle?!
"We broke up after the 1st date. The life style is too much a gap
 to catch up." I murmured to my self that our family could afford
$10.00 a bottle of wine but certainly not $500 a bottle
in our daily life.
That is why Jr. did not want to get married with girl from rich family.

( 時事評論公共議題 )
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