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2009/11/25 01:15:37瀏覽474|回應0|推薦6 | |
Its 2 in the morning here and I woke up to a stomach ache, so I went and sat on the toilet. I know it sounds absolutely disgusting but I read while on the toilet. So I picked up a copy of the New Yorker and starts to read it. 淩晨兩點 我肚子痛睡不着, 所以一直跑廁所。 我有一個奇怪的習慣, 我喜歡在馬桶上閲讀。 所以我就拿起最新期的紐約客 開始閲讀。 The very first article that I flipped open the magazine was an article on Pakistan called Defending the Arsenal by Seymour Hersh. I was totally out of my mind. Here I am, middle of the night, on the toilet reading an article about the Nuclear warheads, US-Pakistan relations on the toilet. How wierd! 可是我翻到的第一頁 是一張關於 巴吉斯坦 的文章 叫 保護軍械。 在這種情況下 我怎麽可能有心情讀這篇討論核武 跟美巴關係的文章, 但是我還是讀了。 我瘋了吧。 But the more I read, the more distubed I became. I became very concerned about U.S's foreign policies in the Middle East causing a growth in Islamic Fundamentalism. The article pointed out from the interview with Pakistani officers, that with Americans bombing villages indiscriminately thinking that the Taliban is there, the only ones that were suffering were the innocent villagers because the Taliban had already left. This contribute to the popularity of the young Islamists turn towards fundamentalism. 當我一再讀下去時, 我越來越擔心美國對中東的外交政策。 美國再這樣下去的話 偏激的回教徒會越來越增加。 這篇文章有提到 美軍一直炸這些小村 受傷的只有村民 因爲這些塔利班一聼到炸彈的聲音早就跑走了。 一直被傷害的村民 才會挑邊站 絕對不是在美國那一邊。 The Pakistan Army itself has a good contingency plan in controlling the army's control over the Nuclear Warheads. Just in case there is a confrontation with India, they are less likely to resort to the Nuclear bombs. However, the Pakistan Government have a great distrust towards the American government. They fear that Americans will sell their secrets to India, so Pakistan Government tells the American military what they want to hear and not sharing the full truths. Is this a good thing? Probably not but what can we do? 這篇文章有寫出, 其實巴吉斯坦 軍團有很好的事先計劃 來控制誰能夠用 這些核武器。 假如巴吉斯坦 跟印度起衝突, 才不會有人衝動的想要用這些武器。 但是 巴軍 不信任美國人。 他們認爲假如他們跟美軍說這些秘密, 美軍會跟印度說。 所以巴基斯坦永遠不會跟美國說實話 只會說場面話, 美軍想聼的話。 這可能不是好事,但是我們美國人能做什麽呢? The distrust between Pakistani and the Americans are extremely harmful especially after 9/11 and we are trying to harbor Islamic support. According to the article, there is a growing population within the Pakistani Army that is going towards the extremists which makes the nukes dangerous in their hands. 因爲這種兩方的互相不信任, 尤其是在911 之後, 在軍隊裏面的回教徒 越來越傾向 偏激的方面。 這樣的話,核子炸彈 在巴軍手上是很危險的。 So I don't know what's more distrubing.. the fact that the War in Iraq and Afghanistan are fueling this fundamentalism withiin the Pakistani Army, or the fact that they were never truthful towards us about their Nuclear program in the first place..hence there are never any true cooperation... 我不知道讓我最擔心的是巴軍越來越偏向偏激的回教信仰 還是巴軍從以前到現在都不信任美軍所以美國跟巴基斯坦從來沒有真正的合作過。 |
( 心情隨筆|心情日記 ) |