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2009/02/15 13:53:36瀏覽1715|回應1|推薦4


國會預算辦公室估計,這個方案的八千多億只是”看起來”,而實際上是3.27 Trillion




$24 million for construction and repairs to US Department of Agriculture facilities

$22.5 million for the USDA Inspector General for oversight on the stimulus bill

$176 million for deferred maintenance on US Agricultural Research Service facilities

$50 million to modernize and maintain the IT system of the Farm Service Agency

$290 million for "Watershed and Flood Prevention Operations"

$50 million for "Wastershed Rehabiliation Program"

$1 billion for rural housing direct loans

$10.4 billion for rural housing guaranteed loans

$2.5 billion for rural distance learning, telemedicine and broadband

$100 million in grants for National School Lunch Program equipment assistance

$150 million in agricultural commodity assistance

$1 billion for the Census Bureau

$4.7 billion for "Broadband Technology Opportunities Program" which includes

$350 million for the development of a "broadband inventory map"

$650 million for Digital TV converter box program

$220 million for Scientific research at the National Institute of Standards and Technology

$360 million for Construction of scientific research facilities

$230 million in extra budget money for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

$600 million for NOAA "Procurement, Acquisition and Construction"

$225 million in grants for programs to combat violence against women

$2 billion in state and local law enforcement assistance grants

$225 million in grants to improve the criminal justice system

$225 million in law enforcement assistance to Indian Tribes

$100 million for the "office for Victims of Crime"

$125 million in law enforcement assistance for rural areas

$50 million in state and local grants to combat internet crime against kids

$1 billion for the COPS program

$400 million in operations budget money for NASA

$150 million for "Aeronautics" at NASA

$400 million for "Exploration" at NASA

$2.5 billion for research at the National Science Foundation

$100 million for NSF "Education and Human Resources"

$400 million for NSF "Major Research Equipment and Facilities Construction"

$1.4 billion in Army "Operation and Maintenance"

$657 million in Navy "Operation and Maintenance"

$113 million in Marine Corps "Operation and Maintenance"

$1.09 billion for Air Force "Operation and Maintenance"

$98 million for Army Reserve "Operation and Maintenance"

$55 million for Navy Reserve "Operation and Maintenance"

$39 million in Marine Corps Reserve "Operation and Maintenance"

$13 million for Air Force Reserve "Operation and Maintenance"

$266 million for Army National Guard "Operation and Maintenance"

$25 million for Air National Guard "Operation and Maintenance"

$75 million each for Army, Navy, Air Force "Research, Development, Test and Evaluation"

$400 million for "Defense Health Program"

$2 billion for Army Corps of Engineers construction

$375 million for Army Corps projects on the Mississippi and tributaries

$2.07 billion for Army Corps of Engineers "Operation and Maintenance"

$100 million for "Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program"

$1 billion for Interior Department "Water and Related Resources"

$50 million for Central Utah Project Completion Act

$50 million for California Bay-Delta Restoration Act

$10 million to inspect canals in urban areas

$16.8 billion for Energy Department, "Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy"

$5 billion of that goes for "Weatherization Assistance"

$4.5 billion to improve the nation's electricity grid

$3.4 billion for "Fossil Energy Research and Development"

$483 million for "Non-Defense Environmental Cleanup"

$390 million for "Uranium Enrichment Decontamination and Decommissioning Fund"

$1.6 billion for "Science"

$6 billion "Innovative Technology Loan Guarantee Program"

$5.12 billion for "Defense Environmental Cleanup"

$7 million for oversight of "Making Work Pay" tax credits and payments in this bill

$80 million to implement health insurance tax credit plan

$5.5 billion for the "Federal Buildings Fund"

$300 million to buy energy efficient vehicles for the federal government

$200 million to consolidate the Department of Homeland Security Headquarters

$100 million for hi tech border security technology along the Mexican border

$420 million for construction of US Customs land border ports of entry

$20 million for tactical communications equipment for immigration enforcement

$1 billion for Aviation Security (explosive detection equipment)

$98 million for improvements to Coast Guard shore facilities

$142 million for "Alteration of Bridges"

$150 million in FEMA Public Transportation Security Assistance grants

$150 million for Port Security Grants

$210 million in grants to upgrade non-Federal fire stations

$125 million for Bureau of Land Management activities

$180 million for Bureau of Land Management construction

$15 million for Wildland Fire Management

$165 million for Fish and Wildlife Service deferred maintenance

$115 million for Fish and Wildlife Service construction projects

$15 million for preservation at Historically Black Colleges

$589 million for National Park System construction

$140 million for repair and restoration of US Geological Survey facilities

$450 million for Bureau of Indian Affairs construction

$600 million for EPA Superfund program

$200 million for Leaking Underground Storage Tank program

$4 billion in Clean Water grants

$2 billion for safe drinking water projects

$300 million for "Diesel Emission Reduction Act grants"

$650 million in US Forest Service "Capital Improvement and Maintenance"

$500 million for Wildland Fire Management

$85 million for Indian Health Services

$415 million for Indian Health Facilities construction projects

$25 million for repairs on Smithsonian Institution facilities

$50 million for National Endowment for the Arts to help preserve jobs in the non-profit arts sector

$3.95 billion in worker training and employment services

$400 million in state unemployment insurance funding

$80 million for enforcement of worker protection laws

$250 million for construction of Job Corps Centers

$500 million in grants to health care centers

$1.5 billion for health information technology systems

$500 million to address health professions workforce shortages

$1.3 billion for National Institutes of Health research resources

$7.4 billion for Office of the Director, NIH

$500 million for high priority construction at NIH

$700 million for comparative effectiveness research

$2 billion in low income child care assistance

$1 billion in funding for Head Start

$1.1 billion for expansion of Early Head Start

$1 billion for Community Services Block Grant Act

$2 billion for Office of the National Coordinator of Health Information Technology

$300 million for CDC childhood immunization programs

$650 million for community-based prevention and wellness strategies

$50 million in grants to states for infections reduction strategies

$13 billion in Title I education funding

$720 million in school improvement grants

$200 million in "Innovation and Improvement" education grants

$12.2 billion in Special Education funding

$15.8 billion in student financial assistance money

$89 million in AmeriCorps awards money

$500 million to replace the National Computer Center for Social Security

$500 million to process disability and retirement claims

$180 million in Army Military Construction

$280 million in Navy and Marine Corps Military Construction

$180 million in Air Force Military Construction funds

$1.33 billion to build military hospitals

$120 million for military energy conservation programs

$50 million for Army National Guard Military Construction

$50 million for Air National Guard Military Construction

$34 million for Army family housing construction

$80 million for Air Force family housing construction

$555 million for "Homeowners Assistance Fund"

$1 billion for Veterans Affairs medical facilities

$50 million for National Cemetery Administration

$150 million to hire temporary VA claims processors

$50 million for VA Information Technology Systems

$150 million in grants to build state extended care facilities

$90 million for passport and training functions facilities

$290 million for State Department IT security upgrades

$1.5 billion in surface transportation infrastructure

$200 million for FAA infrastructure projects

$1.1 billion in airport grants

$27.5 billion in railroad and port infrastructure investments

$105 million for Puerto Rico highway program

$60 million in competitive transportation grants to states

$550 million for transportation on Indian reservations

$8 billion for high speed rail

$1.3 billion for Amtrak

$6.9 billion in mass transit capital assistance

$100 million in discretionary grants to public transit agencies

$750 million for mass transit rail improvements

$4 billion in "Public Housing Capital Fund"

$510 million in Native American Housing Block Grants

$1 billion in Community Development Grants

$2 billion in emergency aid for the redevelopment of foreclosed homes

$2.25 billion for low-income housing tax credit projects

$1.5 billion in a homelessness prvention fund


http://www.rules.house.gov/111/LegText/hr1_legtext_cr.pdf - Division A - 31.9 MB
http://www.rules.house.gov/111/LegText/hr1_legtext_crb.pdf - Division B - 876 kb
http://www.rules.house.gov/111/LegText/hr1_cr_jes.pdf - Statment Div A - 13.9 MB
http://www.rules.house.gov/111/LegText/hr1_cr_jesb.pdf - Statement Div B - 32.4 MB

( 時事評論政治 )

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2009/02/20 12:06
