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2022/05/21 05:21:38瀏覽789|回應0|推薦9 | |
溫柔 如披雲紗的 月亮
叱吒過風雲 如今卻繫起圍裙 當起家庭主夫的 偉丈夫們 此刻有幾個 正慢啜著咖啡 嘴角帶著微笑 從廚房結冰花的窗口 抬頭看你?
gentle as the moon in silky clouds
I wonder right at this moment how many of the manly men who have become househusbands after conquering the world are in their aprons sipping coffee watching you with a smile
from their kitchen windows |
( 創作|詩詞 ) |