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2022/05/20 04:53:25瀏覽354|回應1|推薦3 | |
雙語詩〈非葬禮-烏克蘭,2022 〉及〈剪樹〉發表於《笠詩刊》348期。2022.4 非葬禮 --烏克蘭,2022
所有的家人鄰居朋友 都或跑或跳或爬 到國外當難民去了 只留下這一聲聲 不請自來的炮聲 在冷風中來回嘶叫哀嚎
讓這不幸小孩的非葬禮 不致太淒涼孤單
NON-FUNERAL --Ukraine, 2022
his family, neighbors, and friends all have run, jumped, or crawled away to become refugees leaving only the uninvited gunfire squeaking and howling back and forth in the cold air
to make his non-funeral less lonely and sad
伸舉的手 觸著了晚風 柔懷裡冰冷的 刀器。修飾不情願的女兒 去赴一個安排的約會 知道她未分手便已 巴望下一次
黑暗裡 突來的靜寂,碘酒 倒在被謊言麻醉了的 傷口上。至少暫時 你不再去夢另一個夢 夢見你的手 觸著了 天 TREE TRIMMING
an upstretched arm met a cold knife in the warm bosom of the evening breeze
we heard something fall
in the dream a hand nearly touched the sky |
( 創作|詩詞 ) |