It is getting embarrassed now to post on every single article of yours. Yet, I am still doing it since I can't agree with you more.
The art about talking is something that I has never been trained in Taiwan before, not from my bosses, not from my parents, not from the professors. In the recent years, my boss has been kind enough to remind me how to avoid unnecessary or ambiguous comments. In addition to their daily reminders, the management training is also crucial. Human resource know well about how to define the fine line. I am surprised to hear that how many things we have heard when we were in Taiwan, from our superviser, managers, or even professors, violated the law in US now. I have tried to find a way to explain it. Now, the best I can put it is "Treat people with your ultimate respect." I believe if all the managers learn this, we can have better work places. If everyone in Taiwan learn about this, Taiwan will be a much better place to live.