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2019/11/17 07:33:07瀏覽2388|回應1|推薦109 | |
(一) 這是冬,是雪 悲傷尚未完全散去 風在窗緣徘徊整宿 樹落下淚 妳跟著來 掃下滿懷瓔珞 將故事灑了個滿天滿地 世人的心事被捻亮 這是冬,是雪 妳一身淨白 紛揚翩翩 混沌未明與悲喜 在千山萬徑的雪裡再無蹤跡 北風與雁 大漠清孤的身影 誰主浮沉 這是冬,是雪 有一種情緒墜入空間 複雜的悲哀與讚頌 當苦難與溫柔達到極致 善的陰影在天地間擴散 宇宙的語言,雪是詠嘆調 花瓣的開落 靜止在鏡裡 這是冬,是雪 而妳的氣息是溫暖的 妳的撫觸是愛謐的 妳融合舒展神性的四肢 彷彿躺在月光舖墊的絲輭 彷彿靜寐於童年的床榻 啊!妳心中的聲音 讓我與之合而為一 --生命 (二) 夜的瞳孔降到0度C以下 靈魂的帆 滑向月光之境 拋下跫音 泊在寒光中 遇見 來自銀河的 煙香 Snow 1. This is winter this is snow The grief has not completely dispersed The wind lingers all night at the edge of window Tree tears You come along Sweep down white jade gems Sprinkle stories of the century The minds are brightened This is winter this is snow You are plain white, flutter flutter All unknown chaos,sad,joy In the snow of thousands of mountains and roads,no longer North wind and geese A lonely and pure figure Who dominates the ups and downs This is winter this snow There is an emotion falling into the space Complex sorrow and praise When suffering and gentleness reach the extreme The shadow of goodness expands in frozen earth Language of the universe Snow is the aria Opening of the petals Still in the mirror This is winter this is snow And your breath is warm And your touch is love and peace You blend the limbs that stretch the divine As if lying in the bed of the moonlight As if lying in the childhood bed Oh,the voice of your heart I would like to be one with in ----Life Snow 2. The pupil of the night falls below 0 degrees C Lift the sail of the soul The sail of the soul extremely light Sliding to the moonlight Anchor with foot prints Docked in silver light Meet galaxy Incense clouds 2019/11/15 Dublin Ohio |
( 創作|詩詞 ) |