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2019/11/07 06:10:58瀏覽2037|回應0|推薦75 | |
無題(二) 嗥鷹張開翅膀向夜幕撲去山脈睜開驚懼的眼驟雨跟著來出征的號角無邊無際的響起詩人們醉漢般搖搖欲墜風守衛的波光恰似一顆星子山的情愛漫延了世紀無數雙手拖起的夜星星走過夕陽的風向東虛空的日子向西你漫遊著向虛無的方向你的背影後就在地平線外形成一幅畫油彩,消失在敞開的門裡青春的落日無聲無息的死亡UntitledThe eagle opened its wings and rushed to the night.The mountains open their eyesShowers followedThe horn of the expedition sounds endlessThe poets are drunk like a drunkardWind guardian shining wavesJust like a star
The love of the mountains spreads over the centuryCountless hands dragged the nightStars passing byThe wind of the setting sunNether days to the westYou are roamingIn the direction of nothingnessAfter your backJust outside the horizonForm a pictureOil paint disappeared into the open doorSunset of youthSilent death2019/10/15 West Newton
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