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Can you keep a secret?
2008/04/08 19:41:12瀏覽1378|回應1|推薦2

“Can you keep a secret?” is the first English novel that I have ever completely finished. Except those silly home works. The cover page really attacks me. It seems to be an interesting book. And it does end up as I expected.

It’s a funny story about a woman named Emma who got on a plane that she thought was going to crash. At the very moment, her mouth seems to go crazy. She couldn’t stop talking to a stranger who sitting beside her. She told the guy almost every thing, like every small detail and secrets of herself. Fortunately, the plane just met a turbulent flow and safely landed. But the worst thing was just going to start. After that terrible flight, Emma finally went to work. And what she found out is that the stranger she met on the plane wasn’t an ordinary stranger……

The story is set up in London. So you can see some British English spelling. Like Mum, lift, favourite and so on. It quiet different from American spelling. But don’t worry it won’t make any problem when you’re reading. In fact, it’s quiet interesting. 

I guess it is quiet normal to have some secrets. I do, too. I still remember what I did when I was a kid. That day my mom parked at the middle of the road and went into her office to take some important stuff. Finally, there is no one on the car. Just me and the car. Since I was a little, I can’t stop thinking of the feeling if I can drive. So that the time I did what mostly kid will do. I crew to the front seat and then I pulled the gear. Oh man! The car moved. It moved like 2 or 3 meters. Then I stopped it. It was the most excited and scared secret of my entire life. But it’s not a secret any more. After a few years, I told mom about it and prayed that she won't kill me. Thankfully, she just laughed at what I have done. It's great not to keep a secret from people you loved. Because cheating is not the best policy.  

Let's have a peek of “Can you keep a secret?”.... ...

 Of course I have secrets.

Of course I do. Everyone has a few secrets. It’s completely normal. I’m not talking about big, earth-shattering secrets. Not the-president-is planning-to-bomb-Japan-and-only-Will-Smith-can-save-the-world type secrets. Just normal, everyday little secrets.
Like, for example, here are a few random secrets of mine, off the top of my head:

1. My Kate Spade bag is a fake.

2. I love sweet sherry, the least cool drink in the universe.

3. I have no idea what NATO stands for. Or even exactly what it is.

4. I weigh 128 pounds. Not 118, like my boyfriend, Connor, thinks. (Although, in my defense, I was planning to go on a diet when I told him that. And, to be fair, it is only one number different.)

5. I've always thought Connor looks a bit like Ken. As in Barbie and Ken.

6. Sometimes, when were right in the middle of passionate sex, I suddenly want to laugh.

7. I lost my virginity in the spare bedroom with Danny Nussbaum while Mum and Dad were downstairs watching Ben-Hur.

8. I've already drunk the wine that Dad told me to save for twenty years.

9. Sammy the goldfish at home isn’t the same goldfish that Mum and Dad gave me to look after when they went to

10. When my colleague Artemis really annoys me, I feed her plant orange juice. (Which is pretty much every day.)

11. I once had this weird lesbian dream about my flatmate Lissy.

12. My G-string is hurting me.

13. I've always had this deep-down conviction that I’m not like everybody else, and there’s an amazingly exciting new life waiting for me just around the corner.

14. I have no idea what this guy in the gray suit is going on about.

15. Plus, I've already forgotten his name.
And I only met him ten minutes ago.


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sometimes,the secret is waited for someone finding
2008/04/09 23:27

恩 成為秘密 有些時候 是因為它不適合用口說

而是等待 適合它或懂它的人懂

因為 很多事情說出來感覺或是意思會完全不同

語言的侷限性 讓人會守住一些事情

而那些事情 就成了秘密

芬里爾 Fenris(lempire) 於 2008-04-11 10:18 回覆:


的確 有時候文字是很useless