Food for 大腦.心臟.肺.頭髮.皮膚.腳指brain, heart, lung -- | | | 1大腦、2心臟、3肺、4頭髮、5皮膚6、腳指等之食物。
a、保護頭髮食物─小麥 小麥是生物素的良好來源,可幫助預防白髮、禿頭,讓頭髮閃亮健康。
b、保護腦食物─餅乾 研究發現,適量的糖能提供大腦燃料,增進你的記憶力。
c、保護眼食物─蕃薯 蕃薯中有豐富的維生素A,可以增進視力,預防夜盲症。
d、保護肺食物─蕃茄 英國的研究發現,一星期吃超過三次蕃茄可以預防呼吸系統疾病。
e、保護指甲食物─牡蠣 牡蠣中大量的鋅,鋅是維護指甲健康所需的重要營養素。
f、保護皮膚食物─南瓜 南瓜中的維生素A能降低70%罹患基底細胞癌(一種皮膚癌)的風險。
g、保護強心食物─豆腐 豆腐中鎂能幫助預防血液凝塊和高血壓。
h、保護胃之食物─大蒜 國外研究發現,飲食中常吃大蒜的人,得胃癌的機率比較低。
i、保護腿之食物─香蕉 富含鉀的蕉能幫你伸展腿部肌肉和預防腿抽筋。
j、保護腳趾食物─腰果 腰果中也含有生物素,它的另一個功能是幫助趾甲健康生長。
7. Food for brain, heart, lung, hair, skin and toes
a) Food to protect hair - wheat
Wheat is a good source of nutrient. Its helps your hair from turning gray/white, prevent baldness; make your hair shine and look healthy.
b) Food to protect brain - crackers Research shows appropriate amount of sugar provide fuel for the brain, improve your memory.
c) Food to protect eyes - yams
Yams contain rich Vitamin A and can boost your vision and fend off nyctalopia.
d) Food to protect lungs - tomatoes
British research discovers eating tomatoes more than 3 times a week can prevent breathing system illness.
e) Food to protect finger nails - oysters
Oysters contain a lot of zinc; zinc is the important nutrient for nail health.
f) Food to protect skin - pumpkin
Vitamin A in pumpkins can lower 70% risk of cancerous cells (a kind of skin cancer)
g) Food to strengthen heart - tofu
Magnesium in tofu can help blood clots and prevent high blood pressure.
h) Food to protect stomach - garlic
Western research finds out that people who frequently include garlic in their diet have lower chance to get stomach cancer.
i) Food to protect legs - bananas
Bananas (rich in potassium) can help you stretch your leg muscles and prevent your legs from spasm.
j) Food to protect toe nails - cashews
Cashews also contain special nutrient, and it has another function which is to help toe nail grow.
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