Original place lee2940 | 傀儡馬、台奸症、詐騙黨,吃國產,顛倒天地陰陽是非。 女總統,台灣心,台灣情,寶島山川是母親。台灣早日加入聯合國 Taiwan is a country!Knowledge passing down from ancestors: meridian acupuncture and pressure points, spinal nerves that I share with you publicly, for public reference and research.祖傳經絡,穴道,脊骨神經醫學,拔火罐,藥灸療法,公諸於世
No medicine.No shots.No surgical operation. 不急不刀,不需不藥。生病不一定要吃藥,確定病源用適當方法治療。
Eat more fruits and vegetables, eat less meats, eat a little bit of ginger. exercise on a regular basis. Search the following for health information. 經絡暢通百病無,脊椎骨正健康身。少許生薑片及蒜頭有益健康,非急不打針,大家平安 I will share my lifelong learning, acupuncture and Chinese medicine enlightenment with everybody.傾囊相授。
I am going to translate this blog to English, but my English isn't very well. Could you help me finish my wish? 1、請 【按】下圖詳細說明正經十二經脈及奇經八脈, The 12 Regular Meridians & The 8 Extra vessels on the fugure, the name of the Meridian are listed, It should make the cycle once a day (24-hour) .深悟臟腑陰陽、互為表裏、開竅五官。Touch the following english words of right & explain Meridians.按右下列英文字幕, 詳細說明經絡,穴道20條經脈
2、This is a 12-Meridian time cycle clock.十二條經絡循環
23.xxx 24.xxx 25.xxx 26.xxx | Chiropractic 脊骨神經醫學 按!拜佛健康醫學!讚 00. Words of wisdom: 生涯規劃 01.Chiropractic:脊骨整脊按摩法
| 1. encephalic, h1:頭顱骨10塊骨 2.encephalic, h2:頭骨inhhale,exhhale 3.cervical, c1 :頸椎第一節反射區 4.cervical, c2 :頸椎第二節反射區 5. cervical, c3 :頸椎第三節反射區 6. cervical, c4 :頸椎第四節反射區 7. cervical, c5,c6:頸椎第 5.6節.反射 8. cervical, c7,c8:頸椎第 7.8節.反射 9. thoracic,T123 : 胸椎第123,節反射區 10. thoracic,T456: 胸椎第4,5,6節,反射區 11. thoracic,T789: 胸椎第7,8,9節,反射區 12. thoracic,10 11 12: 胸椎第10,11,12 13. lumbar, L-1: 腰椎第一節反射區 14. lumbar, L-2: 腰椎第二節反射區 15. lumbar, L-3 :腰椎三節反射區 16. lumbar, L-4: 腰椎四節反射區 17. lumbar, L-5: 腰椎第五節反射區 18. Sacrum, S-1 :薦椎第1節反射區 19. Sacrum ,S-2: 薦椎第2節反射區 20. Sacrum,S3,4,5: 薦椎第3,4,5節反射區 21. Coccyx :尾椎骨第四塊反射區 22. All Spinal,:全部脊骨反射區 |
3、看(11)→ (10)說明人體正經十二經脈,The 12 Regular Meridians of the bady,時辰循環 time cycle once a day。了解臟腑、氣血多寡、臟腑開竅、經脈始終,(說明 & Explain The relationship of Meridians and Time, points.)
4、The cycle of 12 Meridians moves from begin to end are listed in the following。(→ from last night → today → next morning→ )The relationship of Meridians and Groups (inner and outer ). (YIN-陰,INNER-裏) (YANG-陽,OUTER-表)每組(陰,陽). 經絡互為(表,裏)之關係.中文版 5、There are 12 Meridians in the central picture,the name of the vessel are listed in the following.
It should make the cycle once a day (24-hour) .Touch following english words of right,understand the diseases.按右下列英文字幕, 詳細說明各種疾病 |
| 1.You will be a Doctor,simple,easy16/26,簡易穴道處方 2.17/a,first aid, myocardial infarction17/a, 心肌梗塞,受傷 3.17/b,headache sick., 17/b,頭部疼痛,神經官能症,癲癇 4.17/c,ear,eye,nose sick.,17/c,耳,眼,鼻疾病,耳鳴 5.17/d,special Sick,17/d,特殊病症,低血壓,糖尿,痛風,減肥 6.17/e,Tooth,Throat,Neck17/e,牙齒,咽喉,頸部,瘰瀝,疔瘡 7.17/f,Asthma, cough,dizzy17/f,氣喘,咳嗽,胸麻,昏迷 8.17/g,ulcer of the stomach,17/g,胃腸,酒醉,盲腸炎 9.17/h, Excretory system,17h/腹瀉,大小便痔,脫肛, 10.17i,Gynecology 婦科17i/婦科,赤白帶,不育,子宮出血 11.17j,Pediatrics 小兒科17j,肺炎.失傳的育嬰方法.鬥雞眼 12.17k,Night sweat. itch.anemia,17k.熱汗癢疹.貧血.骨熱如燒 13.xxx 14.xxx 15.xxx 16.xxx 17.xxx 18.xxx
(11)足少陽【膽經脈】 Gall Bladder(GB)。子時:下午 P.M. :11時~ next day 次日上午 A.M. :01時。氣血注此,多氣少血。(YANG-)(12)歸於 足厥陰【肝經脈】 Liver(LV):。入期門穴。丑時:上午 A.M. :01時~上午 A.M. :03時。氣血注此,多血少氣。()人之氣血→周行無止無間→ 。(1)起於→ 手太陰【肺經脈】Lung (LU)。中府穴;始於肺經脈出雲門穴。寅時:上午 A.M. :03時~上午 A.M.:05時。氣血注此,多氣少血。(2) 手陽明【大腸經】Large Intestine 卯時:上午 A.M.:05時~上午 A.M. :07時。氣血注此,氣血俱多。。(3)足陽明【胃經脈】 Stomach (ST)。辰時:上午 A.M.:07時~上午 A.M.:09時。 氣血注此,氣血俱多。。(4) 足太陰【脾經脈】 Spleen Pancres (SP)。 巳時:上午 A.M.:09時~上午 A.M.:11時。氣血注此,多氣少血。(5) 手少陰【心經脈】 Heart (HT)。 午時:上午 A.M.:11時~下午 P.M. :01時。氣血注此,多氣少血。 。(6) 手太陽【小腸經】 Small Intestine (SI)。未時:下午 P.M. :01時~下午 P.M. :03時。氣血注此,多血少氣。(7)足太陽【膀胱經】 Bladder (BL)。申時:下午 P.M. :03時~下午 P.M. :05時。氣血注此,多血少氣。 (8) 足少陰【腎經脈】 Kindey (KI)。 酉時:下午 P.M. :05時~下午 P.M. :07時。 氣血注此,多氣少血。(9) 手厥陰【心包經】 Heart Contrictor (HC):戌時:07:00P.M.~09:00P.M.多血少氣,(10)手少陽【三焦經】 Triple Heart (TH)。亥時:下午 P.M. :09時~下午 P.M. :11時。氣血注此,多氣少血。We should not betray our conscience, and the natural principles. Nor shoud we go against the universal laws when we go through our daily dealings with ourselves or others. Or, we would aim towards destruction eventually. 任何人?狗?共? 台? 奸? 做任何事情用智慧,不能違背天理、良心、及宇宙間自然法則,否則將之滅亡。 按發生意外受傷 an accident. 其瞬間,呼吸及能量會昏迷。用經絡及穴道的方法以及耳邊細語的方法來急救!奇蹟甦醒 本網頁僅供參考與研究。meridian acupuncture and pressure points, spinal nerves 經絡,穴道,脊骨 |