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25a/c0:Chiropractic 脊骨醫學
2014/02/05 06:54:13瀏覽2899|回應0|推薦1

台灣脊骨神經醫學簡介 Taiwan Association of Manual Medicine (台灣脊骨矯治醫學會)

1. 自律神經系統(英語:autonomic nervous system,縮寫為ANS)

2 . 自律神經系統( ANS)---維基百科,自由的百科全書

0. I will compile Chiropractic technique on my computer in English that I will share with you publicly.
1. ← ← ←Indexing the right list of Chiropractic . 脊骨醫學----WHERE: Cumberland Park West Lafayette, IN. -September, 2016
less pressure on each other of the spinal bone.
Exercising the lumbar muscle and spinal.
2. Picture at the Cumberland Park West Lafayette, IN.--- -September, 2016
Exercising biceps, triceps and 6 meridians.
Massage the Governor Vessel, Bladder, back and spinal.
3. ERECTED in Taiwan.-----BORN IN 1940.
horizontal bar 單槓
parallel bars 雙槓
push-up 伏地挺身
sit-ups 仰臥起坐

4.When the cervical area is sick, it will reflect on the body at the blue area. (as figure) 頸椎神經病變反射區(藍色)
cervical position
cervical-c1 to c8
method of cure
method of cure-2
5. When the cervical area is sick, it will reflect on the body at the blue area. (as figure) 頸椎神經病變反射區(藍色)
Cervical-1 reflex area
cervical-2 reflex area
cervical-3 reflex area
cervical-4 reflex area
6. When the cervical area is sick, it will reflect on the body at the blue area. (as figure) 頸椎神經病變反射區(藍色)
cervical-5 to 6 reflex area
cervical-7-8 reflex area

7. When the Thoracic area is sick, it will reflect on the body at the blue area. (as figure) 胸椎神經病變反射區(藍色)
Thoracic position
Thoracic method 1
Thoracic method 2
Thoracic method 3
8. When the Thoracic area is sick, it will reflect on the body at the blue area. (as figure) 胸椎神經病變反射區(藍色)
Thoracic 1-2-3 reflex area
Thoracic 4-5-6 reflex area
Thoracic 7-8-9 reflex area
Thoracic 10-11-12 reflex area

9. Lumbar (L-1) position, nerve of the spinal abnormal behaviour 第(L-1)節腰椎神經異常
Lumbar position 1
Lumbar position 2
Lumbar method
 Lumbar1 reflex area
10.When the Lumbar 2-3-4-5 area is sick, it will reflect on the body at the blue area.(as figure) 腰椎神經反射區(藍色)
Lumbar-2 reflex area
Lumbar-3 reflex area
Lumbar-4 reflex area
Lumbar-5 reflex area

11.When the Sacrum area is sick, it will reflect on the body at the blue area. (as figure.)薦椎,骶骨, 仙骨反射區(藍色)
Sacrum position-1
Sacrum position-2
Sacrum position-3
Sacrum-1 reflex area
12.When the Sacrum area is sick, it will reflect on the body at the blue area. (as figure)薦椎,骶骨,仙骨,反射區(藍色)
Sacrum-2 reflex area
Sacrum-3-4-5 reflex area
Coccyx position-1

Coccyx 尾骨

Coccyx position-2

Coccyx 尾骨

1. 312 經絡法。每天蹲下站起 squat down and stand up 300下治百病,腿為人的根本。必看必做的運動

1. Yahoo Dictionary

2. Google Dictionary

1. compile 1. 匯編;編輯 // 2. chiropractic 【醫】脊骨神經醫學 // 3. spinal 1. 針的;尖刺的 2. 【解】脊骨的;脊髓的

4. lumbar 【解】腰的 // 5. 12 meridian【天】【測】子午線,經線[C] // 6.1 01(LU)Lung meridian手太陰肺經

7.2 02(LI)Large Intestine大腸經 // 8.3  03(ST)Stomach 足陽明胃經脈 // 9. Spleen 1. 【解】脾臟[C] 2. 壞脾氣[U]

9."Pancreas【解】胰腺  // 9.4 04(SP)Spleen Pancreas 脾經脈 //10. 05(HT)Heart Meridian 心經經脈

11. 06(SI) Small Intestine Meridian 小腸經脈 // 12. 07(BL) Bladder Meridian 膀胱經脈

13. 08(KI)Kindey Meridian 腎經脈 // 14. 09(HC) Heart constrictor Meridian 心包經脈

15. 10(TH)Triple Heart Meridian 三焦經脈(由三部分構成的) // 16. 11(GB) Gall Bladder Meridian 膽經脈

17. 12(LV) Liver Meridian 肝經脈 // 18. 13(CV) Conception Vessel 任脈 // 19. 14(GV) Governor Vessel 督脈

20. cervical 頸椎 // 21. thoracic 胸椎神經 // 22. lumbar 1. 【解】腰的 n.名詞 1. 腰動脈;腰神經;腰椎 // Vessel 船, 血,脈管

23. Sacrum 薦椎(骶骨)(仙骨)神經 // 24. coccyx n.名詞 1. 【解】尾骨 // 25. cecum n.名詞 【解】盲腸 // 26. anus 名詞 肛門

27. 方法,辦法[C] // 28. debate 辯論,討論,爭論[U][S1] // 30. staid 沉著的;穩重的;端莊的

31. stead n [U]不可數名詞 1. 代替;接替 // 32. technique n.名詞 1. 技巧;技術;技法[C][U]

33. pressure n.名詞 1. 壓;按;擠;榨[U] // 34. reflect vt.及物動詞 1. 反射;照出,映出

35. medicine] n.名詞 1. 藥,內服藥[C][U] 2. 醫學;醫術;內科學[U] // 36. manual a.形容詞 1. 手的;手工的;用手操作的

37. association 1. 協會,公會,社團[C] // 38. traditional a.形容詞 1. 傳統的;慣例的;因襲的

39. basin n.[C] 可數名詞 1. 盆;臉盆;食物盆2. 洗滌槽 3. 水坑,水池 4. 盆地,凹地 5. (河川的)流域

40. professional a.形容詞 1. 職業(上)的;從事特定專業的[Z][B] 2. 職業性的,非業餘性的[Z][B] 3. 很內行的

41. vest n.[C] 可數名詞 1. 【美】背心;馬甲;防護背心 // 42. xxx // 43. xxx

44. xxx// 45. xxx// 46. xxx// 47. xxx

48. xxx// 49. xxx// 50. xxx// 51. xxx

( 知識學習健康 )
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