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2018/03/20 08:44:28瀏覽2099|回應0|推薦0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
01. 不用吃藥!就能簡單快速緩解「自律神經失調」 02. 頭痛、頻尿全身不舒服?小心你得了新國民病! 「自律神經失調」 1. 自律神經系統(英語:autonomic nervous system,縮寫為ANS)2. 遠離 癌症與肥胖, 三大淋巴一定要常「清理」..按摩的作用 實際上很大一部分是刺激和擠壓淋巴液的回流 Triple Heart (TH) was Lymph nodes system. 3. It is on the Cervical, Armpit and Groin. 人體三處淋巴決定生死!學會淋巴按摩,隨時隨地救命! 2/1 . 遠離 癌症與肥胖 2/2 . 遠離 癌症與肥胖 4. 骨科醫師 現身說法:顧好膝蓋,教你「保骨 3 秘訣」,讓膝蓋用到 100 歲.. 5 . 輾轉不寢,心煩焦急,恍惚不眠; 01、先針太淵穴3分, 留捻針4分鐘。 02、公孫穴4分,留捻針5分鐘。 03、隱白穴針2分,留針3分鐘。 04、肺俞穴針5分,留捻3分鐘。 05、陰陵泉針6分,留捻針5分鐘。 06、三陰交針1寸,留捻針5分鐘。 請按下列紅色字幕說明。 touch the following red word for explain.
6 . 身體此處 (cervical-1~8頸椎及大椎穴) 堵塞,至少可引發全身70種病症!一招打通它,快學! 此處還有七個穴道要打通 (1.風池穴),(2.風府穴),(3.風門穴)( 4.大椎穴) ( 5.天柱穴) ( 6.大杼穴) ( 7.肩井穴)
請按下列紅色字幕說明。 touch the following red word for explain.
7 . cervical (c1~c8) position, nerve of the spinal abnormal behavior 頸椎神經 第一椎~第八椎異常【病變部位】Touch the following blue words !。至少可引發全身70種以上病症!請按下列藍色字體說明!
0. 到了中年 不想有病、不想煩惱,知道這 22點 就夠了! 01. 崑崙派秘傳! 神奇顫掌3分鐘!動動手讓你氣血暢通防三高 02. 睡前按「這裡」每晚讓你讓你深度睡眠!跟失眠說再見!趕緊收藏! 請按下列紅色字幕說明。 touch the following red word for explain.
03. 人體最大的排毒口就在「這裡」!拍一拍毒素全部清出去,不但越來越健康,還能長壽20年! . touch the following blue word for explain.
04. 從尿液看健康!身體的求救訊號你接到了嗎?喝對「水」逆轉腎! . 05. 小心中了「失眠」病毒!專家教你一夜好眠的關鍵! . 06 . 告別攝護腺肥大 中醫教你從此幸福一生|談古論今話中醫(323) |新唐人亞太電視台 . touch the following blue word for explain.
07 . 攝護腺大哉問?男性展雄風幕後推手?! . 08 . 血管堵了, 醫生1個「救命穴」挽回生命!血管暢通無阻,恢復血管彈性! . touch the following red word for explain.
09 . 他每天早晨喝這個,30天後心臟堵塞的血管,全部通了!不需要動手術了! .
10. 肝好,一切都好 肝不好,百病叢生!15 個肝不健康的信號 . 11. Chest pain 胸部骨痛 . 12. 越活越年輕,就靠拉拉筋!睡覺前 10 分鐘,勝過每天跑步 . 13. 更年期這樣吃!中醫師教妳用「食療」保養身體! . 14. 踮腳跟消除百病的神奇功效 . 15 . 站不起來、走不遠 你可能得了肌少症!3招檢測 . 16 . xxx Body Positive, blood vessels, nerves, muscles, bones, internal organs, meridians, acupuncture points 身體正面、血管、神經、肌肉、骨頭、五臟、經脈、穴道。 十、The back of the body, blood vessels, nerves, muscles, bones, internal organs, meridians, acupuncture points
(1.) See the Qi Meridians in action . 靜觀十二經絡行走一天 24小時, 每經絡需要2小時,氣, 血,運行軌跡.
Midday (A.M.11:00~P.M.01:00) 中午
(2.)The 12 meridians by the Chinese traditional time order.
Liver (LV) of the 12 meridians by the time order. (2、丑。). ---Time-01:00A.M.~03:00A.M. (01)Lung (LU)of the 12 meridians by the time order.(3、寅。).---TIME-03:00A.M.~05:00A.M. (02)
Large Intestine (LI)of the 12 meridians by the time order. (4、卯。) ---TIME-05:00A.M.~07:00A.M. (03)
Stomach (ST)of the 12 meridians by the time order. (5、辰。). ---TIME-07:00A.M.~09:00A.M. (04)
Spleen Pancreas (SP)of the 12 meridians by the time order. (6、巳。) --- TIME-09:00A.M.~11:00A.M. (05)
Heart (HT)of the 12 meridians by the time order. (7、午。). ---TIME-11:00A.M.~01:00P.M. (06)
Small Intestine (SI)of the 12 meridians by the time order. (8、午。). --- TIME-01:00P.M.~03:00P.M. (07)
Bladder (BL) of the 12 meridians by the time order. (9、申。). ---TIME-03:00P.M.~05:00P.M. (08)
Kindey (KI) of the 12 meridians by the time order. (10、酉。). --- TIME-05:00P.M.~07:00P.M. (09)
Heart Constrictor (HC)or (Pericardium) of the 12 meridians by the time order. (11、戌。). ---TIME-07:00P.M.~09:00P.M. (10)
Triple Heart (TH)。 or (Triple Burner) ,or (sanjiao) of the 12 meridians by the time order. (12、亥。) . ---TIME-09:00P.M.~11:00P.M. (11)
Gall Bladder meridian(GB) by the time order. (1、子。). ---TIME-11:00P.M.~ next day01:00A.M. (12)
The 12 meridians circulates in the day.
(3.) There are 12 regular Meridians in the figure, the name of the Meridians are listed, It should make a cycle that once a day (24-hour) . 12 經脈循環一週之時間是一天.
1、 Self—confidence 自信心
2、 Warmth of personality 熱情
3、 Intellectual creativity 創造精神
4、 Intellectual curiosity 學習的慾望
5、 Initiative 學習的主動性
6、 Sense of responsibility 責任感
7、 Reaction to setbacks 對失敗的態度
8、 Energy 活力