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32/22 acupuncture letter-1
2019/02/09 08:12:01瀏覽321|回應0|推薦0
Dear Gab, grandchildren.
         You’d working on the acupuncture chart in English that my heart is full of joy and love with constant care and guidance for you, my granddaughter.
         Learning acupuncture requires a lot of practice. First of all, you must understand step by step of the 12 meridians, It circulate of the Chinese traditional order by the time. 

(correct my English sentence. help me!)

0. The 12 regular Meridians’s Clock.


A. There are 12 regular Meridians in the figure, the name of the Meridians are listed, It should make a cycle that once a day (24-hour) . 12 經脈循環一週之時間是一天.
Anytime is any Meridian that their energy is in maximum.(figure A)↓ ↓ ↓

Twelve regular Meridians & TIME.

(1、子。traditional order)

Gall Bladder(GB) 足,膽經

(2、丑。traditional order)

Liver (LV)足,肝經

(3、寅。traditional order)


(4、卯。traditional order)

Large Intestine(LI)手,大腸

(5、辰。traditional order)


(6、巳。traditional order)

Spleen Pancres(SP)足,脾經

Twelve regular Meridians & TIME.

(7、午。traditional order)


(8、未。traditional order)

Small Intestine(SI)手,小腸經

(9、申。traditional order)


(10、酉。traditional order)


(11、戌。traditional order)

Heart Contrictor(HC)手,心包經

(12、亥。traditional order)

Triple Heart(TH)手,三焦

B. The 12 regular meridians in a day make one cycle by the Chinese traditional time order.

B Gab design

C. The 12 meridians circulation of the Chinese traditional order by the time.

(1、子。)--11. 足少陽膽經脈 Gall Bladder(GB)。(FOOT YANG:SUN),(the hollow organs).. TIME-11:00P.M.~ next day 01:00A.M.

(2、丑。)--12. 足厥陰肝經脈 Liver (LV):(FOOT YIN:MOON), (the internal organs).. Time-01:00A.M.~03:00A.M.

(3、寅。)--1. 手太陰肺經脈 Lung (LU) 。(HAND YIN:MOON), (the internal organs).. TIME-03:00A.M.~05:00A.M.

(4、卯。)--2. 手陽明大腸經 Large Intestine (LI)。(HAND YANG:SUN),(the hollow organs).. TIME-05:00A.M.~07:00A.M.

(5、辰。)--3. 足陽明胃經脈 Stomach (ST)。(FOOT YANG:SUN),(the hollow organs)..TIME-07:00A.M.~09:00A.M.

(6、巳。)--4. 足太陰脾經脈 Spleen Pancreas (SP)。(FOOT YIN:MOON), (the internal organs).. TIME-09:00A.M.~11:00A.M.

(7、午。)--5. 手少陰心經脈 Heart (HT)。(HAND YIN:MOON), (the internal organs).. TIME-11:00A.M.~01:00P.M.

(8、未。)--6. 手太陽小腸經 Small Intestine (SI)。(HAND YANG:SUN),(the hollow organs).. TIME-01:00P.M.~03:00P.M.

(9、申。)--7. 足太陽膀胱經 Bladder (BL)。(FOOT YANG:SUN),(the hollow organs).. TIME-03:00P.M.~05:00P.M.

(10、酉。)--8. 足少陰腎經脈 Kindey (KI)。(FOOT YIN:MOON), (the internal organs).. TIME-05:00P.M.~07:00P.M.

(11、戌。)--9. 手厥陰心包經 Heart Constrictor (HC):(HAND YIN:MOON), or (Heart Pericardium)(the internal organs). .TIME-07:00P.M.~09:00P.M.

(12、亥。)--10. 手少陽三焦經 Triple Heart (TH)。(HAND YANG:SUN) or (Triple Burner) or (sanjiao),(the hollow organs).. TIME-09:00P.M.~11:00P.M.

D. Chinese shadow boxing; Taijiquan. Learning Tai Chi requires a lot of practice. 太極拳 李
Learning Tai Chi requires a lot of practice. First of all, inhale and exhale with action, Inhale is keeping your energy up in your body. Exhale will show your power up in the action. If we do not have these two skills, Tai Chi is only "playing," not being effective in learning Tai Chi.
E . TaiChi
( 知識學習健康 )
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